Author Topic: personal albums for users = persönliche alben der user  (Read 5291 times)

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Offline matt2oo4

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personal albums for users = persönliche alben der user
« on: April 12, 2005, 01:59:12 AM »
hey.. at first..sorry 4 my english :)

exist an mod / hack, that allows the users to create an album to upload pictures?

normal is.. the admin create categories.. and there the users can upload their pics...and thereare all pics of all user fpr this category

but i want that my users have the possilbity to create a own album and upload their fotos in there.. so that the visitors can see..

"ahh there are the pictures of xxx"..  and when they click there only the pictures of user xxx are in there..

understand? *g*

jetzt auf deutsch ( geht besser )

normal ist es ja das man kategorien erstellt und die user dort ihre fotos hochladen, ich möchte aber neben den kategorien auch gerne das meine user ein eigenes album erstellen können.. wo nur ihre fotos sind.. weil in den kategorien ist ja alles buntgemischt.. user a und b und c....

so das man sich halt die kategorien anschauen kann und halt auch wenn man will nur die alben von bestimmten usern

gibt es solch einen mod / hack?

tHx & greetZ matt

Offline ManniC

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Re: personal albums for users = persönliche alben der user
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2005, 07:24:32 AM »
Hi Matt,

einen solchen Mod gibt es nicht: Kategorien müssen über das ACP erstellt werden. Du kannst aber als Admin für jeden User eine persönliche Kategorie erstellen, Upload-Recht auf Privat setzen so dass nur der User in seine Kategeroie uploaden kann. Schau dir einmal die Kategorieaufteilung in der Galerie des D7Userforum an.

There isn't such a mod - you have to create Cats per ACP. As Admin you may create a personal album for each user and set the Upload permission to "private" so that only this user can upload in his cat. See example in the Gallery of D7Userforum.
Viele Grüße / Best Regards
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Offline rjp123

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Re: personal albums for users = persönliche alben der user
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2005, 05:24:50 AM »
Once the personal album has created and rights have been assigned - the user should be able to upload photos and create additional sub-folders (within their personal folder).

The lack of the above feature is the only thing that keeps 4Images from realizing the #1 market position.  For a gallery with 100s of users, managing sub-folders within each user's personal album is a horrendous task - anything that could assist would be fantastic.

Offline Uncle Holden

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Users create their own categories
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2006, 12:46:03 AM »
I have been thinking about this lately. From what I have seen so far in the framework, it seems that this is possible to implement. There is one small security issue because we implicitly give the users more access to the database. However, if we grant them upload permissions, that also allows them to change the database implicitly by adding new rows describing the new pictures. So, it is not a big security problem.

Here is my suggestion: add a new field in the categories table indicating that the category is open for creating subcategories by users. Optionally, add another field indicating how many new categories a user can have.

Add appropriate user interface for the user and the administrator.

Add code to handle the requests. Optionally, allow the user to create unlimited new categories in a category that they own.

If I see some free time, I may try to hack this together, but there are certainly more experienced 4Image hackers out there.