Author Topic: This Account Has Been Suspended  (Read 2724 times)

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Offline waleed

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This Account Has Been Suspended
« on: April 09, 2006, 11:28:25 AM »
i just moved to them i have been with my old host 3 years using 1.7 after i moved i updated to 1.7.2
now i recived this email :

Your site has been determined to be causing high loads on the server and the cause of recent downtime. It is not suitable for a shared hosting environment and will need a dedicated or semi dedicated hosting solution. We sell semi dedicated servers for a month which come with 500 gigs bandwidth and 25 gigs disk space. You can only host one site off the semi dedicated because you are splitting it with another large site. Our dedicated servers are completely managed and allow for you to host unlimited sites. You can check out the plans for them at

Instead of just suspending your site we have moved it to a dedicated server giving you one week to decide what you want to do. You can move it to a new host or put it on a semi dedicated  / dedicated server with us. It is your decision to make but we will not be able to host it in a shared environment any longer and at the end of the one-week it will be terminated off the dedicated server. While your username and password remain the  same, The IP Address that you will need to use for the next one week is so please login at that IP rather than your original IP to  modify / monitor your website.

We are extremely sorry for the bad news but have no choice due to the amount of resources your site is using and the amount of problems it is causing. If you have any questions please let us know.

Server stability Team

plz whats wrong ?!!!