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Messages - martrix

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 32 33 [34] 35 36 37 38
oops! Must have overseen it when searching...  :oops:
Thank you very much, this is won-der-ful!!

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: Mini MOD: User GIS
« on: March 22, 2005, 09:43:28 PM »
come on! The mod is not so hard to implement!

the names of the gender gif are:

m.gif like man for the male sign

w.gif like woman for the female sign

and if you did use the third option then

b.gif like bisex for the hermafrodit sign ;)

 :) I am able to read and I did also understand what you wrote, Chris ;)

Is it really so hard to get this one "number"? Just the sum of entries...   :|

I translate your answer to my "could you help me?" question as "no"  :wink:

I don't know - I did not feel the need to change that in the admin-section, because if I'd like to upload more pics at once and don't want to bother about the name, then I use FTP  8)

Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: Can´t connect - Fehler !
« on: March 22, 2005, 09:33:55 PM »
versuch's doch mal mit "localhost" statt "" in der config.php :)

Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: size for label
« on: March 22, 2005, 03:10:03 PM »
actualy with auto image resizer u can resize both thumbnails and images ;)
Well - but then you still have both image & thumbnail of the same size, right? :?

BTW: If "speaking" about the Auto Image Resizer - is >>this<< somehow possible?
Or does it already exist? I could not find it on the board...

@gregos95: If you'd like to rebuild the thumbnails with a specific size, try to use this plugin
Just upload it into
/admin/plugins/ folder (create it if it's not exist yet)
Another great feature by V@no :)

1) Would it be possible to add in "Auto Image Resizer" the possibility to pick a category on the search form?

2) Would it be possible to show thumbnails on the search results of the resizer.php?


Well I want to have pictures of a max width/height of 1024px in some 800px and in some only 128px in some categories.
The original resizer shows me nearly ALL the pictures out of my gallery if I choose 128 and then I have to pick manually all the pictures I want resize (and without seeing a thumbnail it is VERY hard)  :cry:

Any idea? Thanks in advance! :)

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: max random pic
« on: March 22, 2005, 02:44:43 PM »
Now I do understand!

funpersian wants to have 3 randomly picked images on his page instead of only one!

well - this would need some work with the PHP-source, because just adding another 1 or 2
Code: [Select]
{random_image}in the template would cause only that the random picture is shown twice or three times the same :(

Chit Chat / Re: Beware of some sites!
« on: March 22, 2005, 01:42:12 PM »
That's scary! If I remember a few users here trying via little tweaks saving server load and bandwidth...
and one f*****g page is enough...

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: Signature image v2.20
« on: March 22, 2005, 01:35:32 PM »
well, try to change

Code: [Select]
$path = "/tmp/";

Code: [Select]
$path = "./tmp/";

or to

Code: [Select]
$path = "/home/www/htdocs/";

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: another one frome me :/
« on: March 22, 2005, 01:04:11 PM »
MOD-Linkliste?  8O

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: another one frome me :/
« on: March 22, 2005, 12:00:33 PM »
very nice, martrix!

OH! Words of appreciation from V@no!  I guess I should mark this day in my diary ;)

I don't know - it does not work on some links, but I was mostly successful with this (and reached the right thread)
Maybe there will be also some "help" for the non-working links.
It does not work if the link is built this way:
I did not find out SMF's equivalent for PHPBB's p

@worldrailphoto: did you find what you were looking for?

1) Please define: what is max random pic ?

2) Do NOT post the same question twice if somebody there is already trying to help you  :wink:
Because if you will do that often, you could realize soon, that your questions are being ignored by other forum-members

Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: mehrere Galerien pro Site
« on: March 22, 2005, 10:07:36 AM »
1) Du kannst per Kategorien ganz klar trennen, was Sport/Natur usw. angeht.

Wenn Du hinzu noch "Different templates for categories" installierst, kannst Du alles auch auch visuell trennen.
Für jede separate Kategorie kannst du dann eine andere subdomain einrichten.
z.B. ist auf (Sport) gerichtet ist usw.

Das ist die User-Freundliche lösung - da die User dann in alle anderen Kategorien zutritt haben können und sich nicht für jede "Kategorie" neu registrieren müssen.

2) Oder Du kannst 2, 3 oder 4 Galerien installieren
z.B. usw
 - jede aber mit einem anderem table_prefix  - also z.B. fotos1 und fotos2
Dann hast Du je eine neue Galerie, die absolut getrennt von der anderen läuft (inkl. der User-Daten).
Das Problem tritt dann aber auf, wenn Du dich eines Tages eintscheidest, dass Die Besucher mit einem Login alle Gallerien besuchen können...

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