Author Topic: How to add a new, custom template page  (Read 232944 times)

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Offline killerwhale65

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Re: How to add a new, custom template page
« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2006, 06:48:05 PM »

what if i whish to integrate a php file instead of a html? How can i do that?

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Re: How to add a new, custom template page
« Reply #32 on: April 06, 2006, 08:35:31 PM »
you must not include the extension of the template, only the name:
(see, no .html attached to it)

That solved my problem as well!
Would it be possible to put a summary of the correct instructions in the first post? Luckily it's only  a 2 page thread but still ...  I don't need it anymore now but I am sure many others would appreciate it.

Offline koikonut

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Re: How to add a new, custom template page
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2006, 05:03:54 AM »
Kann man die über ?template=... Pages aus einem anderen Ordner includen? Ich möchte aus dem Hauptverzeichnis zum Beispiel eine Kategorie-Liste includen: --> includet:

Muss ich dann CHDIR oder etwas in der Art machen beim includen oder geht das auf die Weise nicht?

Danke für die Hilfe, Konradin


Can they include a page that is processed by ?template=... from another folder? I want to include for example a categorylist from the root folder: --> includes

Do I have to use CHDIR or something like this for the include code or doesn't it work in this way?

Thx for helping, Bye Konradin

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Re: How to add a new, custom template page
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2006, 05:31:05 PM »
For security reason such include is not possible.
Yet, you might want to try create a normal categorylist.html template with this code inside:
Code: [Select]

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Offline koikonut

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Re: How to add a new, custom template page
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2006, 05:59:07 PM »
I don't understand.  :?

So, how can I include 4images-Information from another page?

The categorylist that you have mentioned ist static, isn't it?

Thx for helping, bye Konradin

Offline ashfaq

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Re: How to add a new, custom template page
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2007, 04:26:02 AM »
If i am using SEO Friendly URL by editing .httaccess then will this adrese work ?

Offline Elfinee

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Re: How to add a new, custom template page
« Reply #37 on: August 10, 2012, 04:02:15 PM »

ich habe mir diesen Thread durchgelesen und noch Fragen dazu. Leider kann ich in dem Thread nicht antworten.

Ich bin mir da noch etwas unsicher. Also soll ich beispielsweise die error.html kopieren und in einem Editor einfügen?
Diese dann umbenennen in Beipsielweise faq?

Dieses lang_error und error_msg soll ich ja löschen. Nur diese Worte oder irgendwie ganze Abschnitte?
Und wo trage ich da meinen eigenen Text ein?

Hab das irgendwie nicht so ganz verstanden und bevor ich da irgendwie Bockmist baue, frag ich lieber mal nach :-)

Offline Saschilys

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Re: How to add a new, custom template page
« Reply #38 on: August 10, 2012, 04:16:24 PM »
Jep, die error.html in faq.html umbenennen.

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