Is this the procedure good for ver. 1.7.2? My thumbnail borders are the standard normal (blue) and visited (purple) link color. I would therfore assume this would be controled by a stylesheet but I have not had luck with that apporch. Then I found this post but I am sure I understand what code to put where.
REF mawenzi's post:
$thumb = "table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" border=\"0\"><tr><td bgcolor=\"#FF0000\"> < ... here your thumb-code ..> ></td></tr></table>";
Below is all the code that appears to be related to thumbnails in my includes/functions.php Where does the red code go exactly? Is there a way to use the, a.hover, a.visited colors as one might in a css file?
function get_thumbnail_code($media_file_name, $thumb_file_name = "", $image_id, $cat_id, $image_name = "", $mode = "", $show_link = 1, $open_window = 0) {
global $site_sess, $config;
if (!check_media_type($media_file_name)) {
$thumb = "<img src=\"".ICON_PATH."/404.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
else {
if (!get_file_path($thumb_file_name, "thumb", $cat_id, 0, 0)) {
$file_src = ICON_PATH."/".get_file_extension($media_file_name).".gif";
$image_info = @getimagesize($file_src);
$width_height = (!empty($image_info[3])) ? " ".$image_info[3] : "";
$thumb = "<img src=\"".$file_src."\" border=\"0\"".$width_height." alt=\"".$image_name."\" />";
else {
$file_src = get_file_path($thumb_file_name, "thumb", $cat_id, 0, 1);
$image_info = @getimagesize($file_src);
$width_height = (!empty($image_info[3])) ? " ".$image_info[3] : "";
$thumb = "<img src=\"".$file_src."\" border=\"".$config['image_border']."\"".$width_height." alt=\"".$image_name."\" />";
if ($show_link) {
if ($open_window) {
$thumb = "<a href=\"".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."details.php?".URL_IMAGE_ID."=".$image_id.((!empty($mode)) ? "&mode=".$mode : ""))."\" onclick=\"opendetailwindow()\" target=\"detailwindow\">".$thumb."</a>";
else {
$thumb = "<a href=\"".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."details.php?".URL_IMAGE_ID."=".$image_id.((!empty($mode)) ? "&mode=".$mode : ""))."\">".$thumb."</a>";
return $thumb;
Thanks - Technobia