Hi all
that why i want to see a demo about what your mod is doing
I post URL 2 time now.
Please do not post a link to a DotClear or WordPress site. We would really like to see your contribution in a real 4images website, before trying to use it.
Haven't you got your own website to show? Please help us to understand, Mr. Thunderstrike! Many thanks in advance. We trust you! You're the best! There's no one like you!(What else have I got to declare to let us have a satisfying answer, please?)
My 7 year old son is playing in a football (soccer) team and we take photographs of them anytime they play. We would like to use 4images and such a calendar, for instance to show the next encounters between child's teams, even if we do not yet understand how it could work.
I'm sure that you will be soon able to show us a working online example of your work, and expect for it.
Please keep on working, Mr. Thunderstrike. You are really the best, nobody compares to you, you'll soon have a statue in Second Life. Maybe the next NASA project will be named "Thunderstrike"!
My dog is pregnant. I sware the first puppy's name will be "Thunderstrike"!
Many, many, so many thanks to you!
Why is this thread sticky where it does not work for any member and has not any 4images online demo?