Author Topic: 4images 1.7 (english)  (Read 26365 times)

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    • 4images - Image Gallery Management System
4images 1.7 (english)
« on: August 26, 2002, 10:19:06 AM »
Version 1.7 has just been released and contains several new features:
  • Auto-Login works now for the Control Panel (Set ADMIN_SAFE_LOGIN to 1 in constants.php will undo this)
  • Stylesheet for Clickstream
  • Select user when adding/deleting images
  • Reset Stats for particular categories
  • System Buttons can now depend on selected language (create a new folder "templates/<template_pack>/images_<language_name>" and place the images in it)

  you can also use the tag {template_lang_image_url} in the templates which will point to the this language directory
  • Fixed not deleting image files from the server during valdiation of images
  • Prev/Next image on details page now depends on where the user is coming from (category, lightbox, search)
  • Resizing images proportional OR with fixed width/height
  • 3 options for account activation: none, by email, by admin
  • Sends now also a welcome-email if account activation is set to "none" (See new "Email templates)
  • Charset and direction per language
  • Users can now edit their own images and comments (Each function can be disabled in the settings)
  • Delete more than one image/user/comment at a time[/list:u]See Installation.txt for detailed update instructions.

    Files changed (from Version 1.6.1):
    - admin/admin_functions.php
    - admin/admin_global.php
    - admin/backup.php
    - admin/categories.php
    - admin/checkimages.php
    - admin/comments.php
    - admin/email.php
    - admin/home.php
    - admin/images.php
    - admin/index.php
    - admin/resizer.php
    - admin/settings.php
    - admin/stats.php
    - admin/templates.php
    - admin/thumbnailer.php
    - admin/usergroups.php
    - admin/users.php
    - admin/validateimages.php
    - includes/auth.php
    - includes/constants.php
    - includes/db_utils.php
    - includes/email.php
    - includes/functions.php
    - includes/image_utils.php
    - includes/page_footer.php
    - includes/page_header.php
    - includes/search_utils.php
    - includes/sessions.php
    - includes/template.php
    - includes/upload.php
    - includes/upload_definitions.php
    - includes/zip.php
    - categories.php
    - details.php
    - download.php
    - global.php
    - index.php
    - install.php
    - lightbox.php
    - login.php
    - member.php
    - postcards.php
    - register.php
    - search.php
    - top.php

    New or changed parts in the language files (from Version 1.6.1):
    -  new: $lang['charset']
    -  new: $lang['direction']
    -  deleted: $lang['invalid_username'] and $lang['invalid_passwort']
    -  new: $lang['invalid_login']
    -  new: $lang['image_edit']
    -  new: $lang['image_edit_success']
    -  new: $lang['image_edit_error']
    -  new: $lang['image_delete']
    -  new: $lang['image_delete_success']
    -  new: $lang['image_delete_error']
    -  new: $lang['image_delete_confirm']
    -  new: $lang['comment_edit']
    -  new: $lang['comment_edit_success']
    -  new: $lang['comment_edit_error']
    -  new: $lang['comment_delete_success']
    -  new: $lang['comment_delete_error']
    -  new: $lang['comment_delete_confirm']
    -  changed: $lang['register_success']
    -  new: $lang['register_success_none']
    -  new: $lang['register_success_admin']

    -  changed: $lang['resize_dimension_desc']
    -  changed: $lang['convert_thumbnail_dimension']
    -  new: $lang['resize_proportions_desc']
    -  new: $lang['resize_proportionally']
    -  new: $lang['resize_fixed_width']
    -  new: $lang['resize_fixed_height']
    -  new: $setting['user_edit_image']
    -  new: $setting['user_delete_image']
    -  new: $setting['user_edit_comments']
    -  new: $setting['user_delete_comments']
    -  changed: $setting['auto_thumbnail_dimension']
    -  new: $setting['auto_thumbnail_resize_type']
    -  new: $auto_thumbnail_resize_type_optionlist
    -  changed: $setting['account_activation']
    -  new: $account_activation_optionlist

    Email templates:
    -  new: register_activation_none.html
    -  new: activation_success.html
    -  new: admin_activation.html
    -  new: register_activation_admin.html
    -  changed: upload_notify.html ({validation_url} added)

    Templates changed (from Version 1.6.1):
    - style.css (.clickstream added)
    - header.html ({charset} and {direction} added)
    - comment_bit.html (image tags changed)
    - new: member_editimage.html
    - new: member_deleteimage.html
    - new: member_editcomment.html
    - new: member_deletecomment.html
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