Sorry for double postings. Its really nessesary to find the solution. Could somebody give a hint....
It doesn't work for me. Perhaps there is a special value for me anywhere.
I have added a field "image_license" and can use it with the images. it works. but i couldnt search for images with only this activated values.
Here is the actual test-site: Create a new column in the table 4images_wordmatch called photographer_match
ALTER TABLE 4images_wordmatch ADD photographer_match TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;
I have created a table 4images_wordmatch called
license_match like this. No problem. I dont know if the values '0' and NOT NULL are right for me.
2. Open includes/search_utils.php and find this part...
My Code is like this:
$search_match_fields = array(
"image_name" => "name_match",
"image_description" => "desc_match",
"image_keywords" => "keys_match",
"image_license" => "license_match"
b]3.[/b] Open main.php in your lang folders and add a new line:
I have done it, but I think thats not the problem.
4. Open the template search_form.html and add this:
<input type="radio" name="search_fields" value="image_photographer" /> {lang_image_photographer_only}
<input type="radio" name="image_license" value="{image_license_yes}" />
<input type="radio" name="image_license" value="{image_license_no}" />
I tried many variations with the value-Tag, e.g. Vano has said...
, but nothing has changed.
[b]5.[/b] Rebuild the search index.