This is what I have done:
I have created a new column in the table 4images_wordmatch called user_city_match
Then I add this
$search_match_fields = array(
"image_name" => "name_match",
"image_description" => "desc_match",
"image_keywords" => "keys_match",
"user_city" => "user_city_match"
then this:
$lang['user_city_only'] = "City only";
Then this:
<td nowrap="nowrap"><input type="radio" name="search_fields" value="user_city" /> {lang_user_city_only}</td>
I did a Search index rebuilt and I got this
DB Error: Bad SQL Query: INSERT INTO girls_wordmatch (image_id, word_id, name_match, desc_match, keys_match, user_city_match) SELECT DISTINCT 7028, word_id, 1, 0, 0, 0 FROM girls_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'fotografia'
Duplicate entry '7028-1531' for key 1
I aslo don't see City only in the search_form.html
What I did wrong?