Author Topic: Alphabetize categories  (Read 2456 times)

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Alphabetize categories
« on: October 12, 2007, 09:41:53 PM »
Hello, I am a long time user of 4images and have run into a problem after upgradin to 1.7.4

on my onther installs of 4images I have been abel to sort categories by name using the category sort mod

but when I apply this mod to 1.7.4 I get header errors  and it does nothing to the category order.

for 4images being as advanced as it is, why hasnt this  and other mods become standard?

can somebody please help me out with this or point me in the right direction on how to display my categories in ABC or alphabetical order

other mods that should be standard on the install
- thumb categories
- category horizontal columns but rows