Author Topic: 4image settings will not save  (Read 3405 times)

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Offline brilliantchaos

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4image settings will not save
« on: May 23, 2014, 10:22:11 AM »
Hello everyone!!! Okay so I have 2 domains I operate, one is mine, and one is a friend's. I recently installed a 4image gallery on my friend's site, in which I discovered the problem, and went to double check mine, and the problem is also there as well. Now for my website, I was able to update settings about a month or so ago, but I have no done so recently, so I am not sure exactly when this issue started.

Issue ----

I have installed a fresh copy of 4images, however when I try to update settings , I.E 4images title, template theme, css codes, etc. it gives me this error page that says ---

Internet Explorer cannot read this webpage format
HTTP 406
What you can try:    

Go back to the previous page.  

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This error (HTTP 406 Not Acceptable) means that Internet Explorer was able to receive information from the website you visited, but the information was not in a format that Internet Explorer can display.

For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.

I thought maybe something was wrong with my computer, so I tried it on my moms, as well as had a friend in a completely different state try from her end, still the same results. So then I thought, maybe it was internet explorer, I tried firefox, still again, the same results. I have emailed my domain/host which is 1dollar webhosting, as well as cpanel, I am awaiting a response, however, if there is any help or guidance any of you can give me, I would appreciate it so much. I am going nuts, and about to pull my hair out over this!!

Thanks soooo much!!

Amanda aka brilliantchaos