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Messages - Ax Slinger

Pages: [1] 2
Chit Chat / Wow... Way to run a forum!
« on: November 18, 2018, 09:33:12 AM »
I just downloaded 1.8 and decided to pop in and say hello. It's been over 10 years since my last post here, and my account works the same as it ever did. Considering all the poorly run forums I've been to over the last 10 years, I have to say that is truly outstanding!

If I have any problems installing I'm sure I'll be back to pester ya a little bit...

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Sorting Images By Ratings
« on: June 04, 2008, 11:04:49 PM »
What would I have to do to sort the display in Top Images and Individual Categories by ratings?

And before anyone asks, yes, as I always do I have done extensive searching prior to asking this question. I searched for "Sorting Images By Ratings", "Sorting Top Images By Ratings", "Sorting Categories By Ratings", I've tried the same with "And Votes", "Or Votes", and with "Votes" instead of "Ratings". I've read the Tips forum, the Mod requests forum, the Mod support forum... The search terms are too general turning up countless unrelated threads, and I see nothing about this idea anywhere.

Well, how difficult would it be to make one? Maybe that could be something to add to the next version? Here's what I have in mind...

Create a file that would act as a configuration file. Make an array that contains database information several boards, so that when you go to the "Member Database" options in the ACP you could select the board type you want from a drop menu list, which would select the appropriate section of the array. Here's an example:

Code: [Select]
global $def_system;
$def_system = array(
'1' => array(
'system' => 'Invision Power Board',
'table' => 'ibf_members',
'id' => 'id',
'name' => 'name',
'email' => 'email'
'2' => array(
'system' => 'PHPBB 2',
'table' => 'phpbb_users',
'id' => 'user_id',
'name' => 'username',
'email' => 'user_email'
'3' => array(
'system' => 'Simple Machines Forum',
'table' => 'smf_members',
'id' => 'ID_MEMBER',
'name' => 'memberName',
'email' => 'emailAddress'
'4' => array(
'system' => 'MyBB',
'table' => 'mybb_users',
'id' => 'uid',
'name' => 'username',
'email' => 'email'
'5' => array(
'system' => 'Vbulletin',
'table' => 'user',
'id' => 'userid',
'name' => 'username',
'email' => 'email'
In other words, each one of these options would select the appropriate database tables and information that 4Images needs to use, from whatever database you associate the program with. That would have to be done in the usual way, by setting up the config.php file. You may have to install the 4Images tables in the forum's database, but I see no problem there...

What do you think?

I use Invision Power Board 2.1.7. I searched the forum for quite a while last night and did not find anything about this kind of setup. Perhaps I was looking in the wrong places.

As far as being patient goes, I have worked on many support forums and can understand and relate to what you said 100%... So don't worry. I won't be bumping my post in 30 seconds in nobody replies, nor will I think that people are ignoring my post if nobody replies today. I always assume that no reply means just that... Nobody has replied to my post. I never freak out about it. I just come back later and see if anyone has replied. And if not and it's been a long time, I might reword my question or something...

In the meantime since you say this has been discussed before, I will do another search or three and see what I can find. It's gotta be here somewhere.  :mrgreen:

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Using a Forum Database
« on: May 29, 2008, 07:44:16 AM »
How would you set up 4Images to use the database of a forum instead of the one that is built into it?

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [Mod] Avatar v2.01
« on: November 30, 2005, 11:23:47 AM »

Is it possible to add a field to the profile to use an offsite avatar instead of an uploaded one, possibly a php avatar rotator?

Great mod...

Now if I can just figure out where I messed up on the installation and fix the size limits. I checked everything, and they still don't work. I can live with it though. I only use the Gallery on a private family forum so my family can upload images and post them on the forum without having to have a website to host them on, so it isn't like it's a really busy Gallery or anything.

Sure does... On a forum I used to work on, I used 4Images 1.7 to have a Christmas Card contest, and one guy voted for his own over 500 times. And he wondered why I kicked him out of the contest...  :roll:

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Image Display Resize
« on: November 30, 2005, 05:12:19 AM »
Ok... It took some doing to translate, but I found a good German to English dictionary and went for it. And after several errors, I finally got it working. I had to change some things around a bit because of another mod I had installed, but it works, so I am a happy camper... 

Thanks a lot for the help! :mrgreen:

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Image Display Resize
« on: November 30, 2005, 12:15:25 AM »
No, not for this mod... Just in general. It started with a F1 Racing game a friend of mine in Germany sent me, and all the text was in German. He sent me a text file with several words translated that were in the game, and I added a bunch more to it. Maybe about 200 words al together. But now I can't find it. It's probably on one of my 100's of CDR backup CD's somewhere...

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Image Display Resize
« on: November 25, 2005, 12:34:11 PM »
Ok, thanks. I'll give it a try when I am a little more awake. It's 4:00 am here at the moment.

By the way, I do speak English... That was a joke.  :wink:

Somewhere I have a text file with some German to English translations in it. The question is, where did I put it?

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Image Display Resize
« on: November 25, 2005, 11:33:22 AM »
Thanks for the quick reply. But I can't read that... I have enough trouble with English. :D

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Image Display Resize
« on: November 25, 2005, 10:08:06 AM »
I have some code that I added to Invision Power Board 1.3.1 to resize the display of images posted, and I was wondering if it could be used in 4Images 1.7? Here's the resize code:

Maximum image width setting of 580 Pixels.
$imagesize = getimagesize ($url);
The instruction to get the actual image size of an image from the address in the [img] tag posted by the user.
The original image image width.
The original image image height.
if($imagesize[0] > $maxwidth) {


The array to calculate the new image size based on IF the original image's width is greater than the maximum image width setting, and if it is, THEN the new image width is the maxwidth setting (580), and the new image height is the maxwidth divided by the original image width, then multiplied by the original image height. Or for an 800x600 image that would be (580/800 = .725)*600 = 435 so therefore the new image size is 580x435.

return "<img src='$url' border='0' width='$newwidth' height='$newheight' alt='user posted image'>";
The new image source statement returned to the program to display the image in the new dimensions.

What I would like to do is be able to upload my photos in their original size of 2048x1536, yet have the Gallery display them in 550x412.

Do you think that is possible?

(Bear in mind, this does not resize the actual image, just how it is displayed. The original image would still be however big it was, and the file size would not change. Also, even though this was written for IPB, it is pretty much standard PHP as far as I know.)

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Image Links Mod Request
« on: August 30, 2005, 09:41:45 AM »
Yeah, I thought of that but it didn't work. The link was shown, and it was clickable, but it displays like this...

Text above the image: <a href="" target="_blank">
Image display
Text below the image: </a>

That's what made me think to try putting the link in the info box below the image instead. It basically does the same thing, but it's "prettier" and looks like its "supposed" to be there, as opposed to stray html code that obviously isn't.

That method works ok, so I'm a happy camper. And I say thank you very much for your help and good ideas.  :D

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Image Links Mod Request
« on: August 30, 2005, 08:53:54 AM »
Well... That didn't change anything. I didn't think it would, but I wanted to make sure.

Then I had an idea, and even though this isn't quite what I wanted, it does work, and it will do...

Step 6:
In templates/your template/details.html

                    <td valign="top" class="row2"><b>{lang_added_by}</b></td>
                    <td valign="top" class="row2">{user_name_link}</td>
Add below:                 
                    <td valign="top" class="row2"><b>{lang_image_link}</b></td>
                    <td valign="top" class="row2">{image_link}</td>

This adds a text link in the info box below the image. And it is clickable. I would have liked it better if you could just click on the image, but like ol' Mick says "Ya can't always get what ya want. But ya get what ya need.:mrgreen:

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Image Links Mod Request
« on: August 30, 2005, 08:22:13 AM »
Yep. Using jpg.html as an example, I changed...

<!-- Template file for JPG Files -->
<img src="{media_src}" border="1" alt="{image_name}"{width_height} /><br />

To this:
<!-- Template file for JPG Files -->
<!-- <img src="{media_src}" border="1" alt="{image_name}"{width_height} /><br /> -->
{if image_link}<a href="{image_link}" target="_blank">{endif image_link}<img src="{media_src}" border="1" alt="{image_name}"{width_height} />{if image_link}</a>{endif image_link}

And looking at your code there, I see no reason why the link isn't being created properly... Except for possibly using UltraEdit to edit the files. Because if I look at jpg.html in the MS FrontPage editor I see this instead...

<!-- Template file for JPG Files -->



<p><img src="{media_src}" border="1" alt="{image_name}" {width_height} /><br />

Do you think that could have anything to do with it?

I made backups of the files. I'll test that theory, just to be sure.

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