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Messages - thirxtymilk

Pages: [1]
could you please gimme the exact link to download the themes, i've been trying to find the link to download the themes but it's hopeless.
Please help me out here..!!! Thanks in advance...!!!

i got it V@no, it's working....thanks

hi V@no....i already read those topic but i don't know exactly what do you imply and what do i have to do to fix this problem.
If you don't mind, please spend a minute to help me out V@no. Thanks alot in advance..!!!

Hai Le

Warning: move_uploaded_file(./data/media/1/12a5_0001.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/kim/public_html/Gallery/includes/upload.php on line 113

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpZPLNYC' to './data/media/1/12a5_0001.jpg' in /home/kim/public_html/Gallery/includes/upload.php on line 113

I got this message after i tried to upload the image and it didn't let me upload it.

I already search through the forum and read all the post about this problem. I tried all of those but it doesn't
work. The safe-mode is off as i check with the phpinfo.php. I saw the instruction to set the "CHMOD 777" of
some directories but i don't know how. Could anyone here please help me to solve this problem ??? I really do
appreciate your help.

Thanks alot in advance pals

Hai Le

Pages: [1]