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Messages - Krucial

Pages: [1]
Feedback & Suggestions / Re: SUGGESTED SEO FORUM
« on: March 27, 2012, 12:07:22 AM »
I am now finding that SEO Stuff is taking more time than I thought it would, and there are a lot of people talking about different stuff SEO, and some stuff is really closely related. If we could consolidate the SEO discussion into one of its own sections in this forum I think that we can be more efficient in ways to conquer google...


I've spent alot of time going through each mod thread by the time I get to the 25th page  (per say) of any given mod I've got a freakin headache and urge to start smoking and drinking again. And still have nothing....LOL

It would be nice to have them all in one spot and with the mod for the latest 4images version (versions).

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