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Messages - ropey

Pages: [1]
I really hope somebody else would be able to help me. it worked for 2 days ago.

Quote from: Chris
You migh also consider simply removing the zip download button from the lightbox template.  This is far easier to do and will require your users to download each file on its own.

I have removed the zip download button from my lightbox and details pages, but would like to have a download button on the lightbox page for every single image so a user doesn't have to click the picture first and then press the normal download button. (saves bandwidth as well)

any idea on how to create a download button for every single image in the lightbox page?

Quote from: littrellsorg
I have just installed 4images and the install went smoothly, and I was presented with this message:

Install success!

The basic installation is now complete and your admin account has been created. You should now log in to your 4images Control Panel and check the general configuration for any required changes.

So, when I click on the Control Panel link, all I get is a blank page, with a blue scroll bar showing.

I have looked in the FAQ, I have checked my config.php files.  I have both a and a config.php, both with the correct information filled in (I did this manually for both) hoping that one of these would work.  I've tried keeping one or the other, and I still get the blank page.  All my files are chmod correctly, and everything is fine as far as I can tell.  I can view my main gallery page fine.  This is the only aspect not working.

Please help!



Im having the same problem. empty upload form. did you found a solution for it?



Discussion & Troubleshooting / Downloading problems!
« on: June 16, 2003, 02:44:50 AM »
change your php.ini allocated memory settings from 8 to 16 mb.

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / missing html
« on: June 15, 2003, 10:03:39 PM »
I see that in your demo, after placing an order, i receive a nice email.
the only problem is that you forgot an </html> at the end.

Quote from: olivier avenel
Ok thanks for the answer, :lol:

It is great that the multilanguage so simple is.

But now I would like to know if it is possible to have the same thing with the name of the directories and the images that change. :?:

I supposed one must change the table of the Database, but if someone has already done it, it would be great.


Did you allready found a solution to get the names of the directories also in a different language?

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