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Messages - sssnuggle

Pages: [1]
Has somebody written a manual for the users and administrators? I would like to install a FAQ like you see in this phpbb forum (top left)

Peter Verhauwen

Is there a FAQ or guideline about the above question?
I would like to include some extre links.
Which pages do I need to customise. I did the home.html and that worked fine.

Thank you for your assistence, Peter Verhauwen.

Dear fellows,

Where can I find 'How to customise - guidelines/faq'. I would like to integrate this cool application in my site.

Thank you for all advice,
Peter Verhauwen

Installation, Update & Configuration / Dont understand DUTCH?!
« on: June 18, 2003, 10:40:49 AM »
Dutch? it is German ;)

Dear 4images fellows,

Where can I find a user manual who xplains the user how they have to use this fantastic 4images. A kind of 'online help' for the non computer professional as the most of us are,

Mit Freundlichem Gruss,[/b]

Templates & Styles (Releases & Support) / 5 new Basic 1.7 templates
« on: May 23, 2003, 12:49:00 AM »
doens't work in de template select. I tried the dark one ;(
Very nice designs. I adore !

Regards, Peter

Installation, Update & Configuration / Installer guide
« on: May 22, 2003, 09:06:44 PM »
Is there a comprehencive read me or installer guide (permissions, ...) available,

Mit Freundlichem Gruss,
Peter :?

Pages: [1]