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Messages - zakaria6666

Pages: [1]

Budduke has replied to u asking for some advice but it seems it does not appear on this topic, i accidently stumbled upon buddukes comment when i went to click rpely and scrolled to the bottom and saw that budduke had left a message but when i went back to check it doesnt show buddukes message, here is his message

I have run into this a few times that when someone leaves a message i cannot notice it until i go and click the link 'reply' and fnd out by accident. Maybe there is a bug. Anyway, from the comment budduke kindly left,  i have tried exactly what he has asked me and i want to thank him for his kind help and assistence, however it does not seem to work. Thumbnails do not get created. Any ideas vano?

guys im stuck on step 6, it is asking me to comments things out,

can somneone here be kind enough to point me in the right direction and tell me exactly what i need to comment out as i have installed VANO's media sites MOD and bbCode MOD, so im a bit confused as everything is mixed in together and really dont know what to comment it, also not to mention the replace_bad words in function.pphp has a different snytax and i cannot find it,

step 6 is confusing.

pleas ehelp

Pages: [1]