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Messages - allister

Pages: [1]
thanks a million V@no  :D

Hey V@no thanks for the great MOD. Everything working perfectly just except one thing.

I just wanted to limit only the subcategories not the main categories on home  :(

appreciate your help on this one  :roll:

thanks again.

I installed PM mod with following missing steps. Every thing working fine except 1 error :?

Can't delete any msgs. getting same msg every time I tried to delete a msg "Nothing to delete".

Need help here pls any one  :D

Code: [Select]
-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `PM_TABLE`

  `pm_id` mediumint(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `pm_type` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',
  `pm_to` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  `pm_from` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
  `pm_subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `pm_text` text,
  `pm_date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `pm_date_rcvd` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `pm_ip` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',
  `pm_html` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `pm_bbcode` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `pm_smiles` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  `PM_SENT` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `PM_UNREAD` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `PM_SDLT` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `PM_USDLT` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `PM_RDLT` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  KEY `pm_id` (`pm_id`,`pm_to`,`pm_from`)

-- Dumping data for table `PM_TABLE`

Code: [Select]
//--- PM (Private Messaging) ---
$lang['pm'] = "Private Messaging";
$lang['pm_inbox'] = "Inbox";
$lang['pm_outbox'] = "Outbox";
$lang['pm_sentbox'] = "Sentbox";
$lang['pm_link'] = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You have<br />&raquo&nbsp;<b>{msg_new_count}</b> new message(s)<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in your <b>{inbox}</b>.";
$lang['pm'] = "Private Messaging";
$lang['pm_short'] = "PMS";
$lang['pm_error'] = "Error";
$lang['pm_error_to'] = "You must select a recipient.";
$lang['pm_error_to_notfound'] = "Recipients not found.";
$lang['pm_error_subject'] = "You must enter a subject.";
$lang['pm_error_message'] = "You must enter a message.";
$lang['pm_error_folder'] = "No folder selected.";
$lang['pm_error_id'] = "Nothing to show.";
$lang['pm_error_delete'] = "Nothing to delete.";
$lang['pm_compose'] = "Compose";
$lang['pm_delete'] = "Delete";
$lang['pm_delete_selected'] = "Delete selected";
$lang['pm_delete_all'] = "Delete all";
$lang['pm_delete_success'] = "The messages where deleted successfuly";
$lang['pm_delete_confirm'] = "Are you sure you want to delete that message from <b>".$lang['pms_'.$mode]."</b>?";
$lang['pm_delete_confirm_select'] = "Are you sure you want to delete selected messages from <b>".$lang['pms_'.$mode]."</b>?";
$lang['pm_delete_confirm_all'] = "Are you sure you want to delete ALL messages from <b>".$lang['pms_'.$mode]."</b>?";
$lang['pm_new'] = "New message";
$lang['pm_new_messages'] = "New messages";
$lang['pm_new_is_one'] = "You <b>{count}</b> new messages"; //You have xx new message(s)
$lang['pm_ppm'] = "<b>{count}</b> New";
$lang['pm_message_single'] = "Message";
$lang['pm_message_plural'] = "News";
$lang['pm_select_user'] = "Select a user";
$lang['pm_sent_success'] = "The message was send successfully";
$lang['pm_save_success'] = "The message was saved successfully.";
$lang['pm_redirect'] = "Please wait a moment";
$lang['pm_empty'] = "No messages in this folder";
$lang['pm_reply'] = "Reply";
$lang['pm_view'] = "View message";
$lang['pm_mark'] = "Mark";
$lang['pm_edit'] = "Edit";
$lang['pm_subject'] = "Subject";
$lang['pm_message'] = "Message";
$lang['pm_to'] = "Recipient";
$lang['pm_date'] = "Date";
$lang['pm_send'] = "Send";
$lang['pm_preview'] = "Preview";
$lang['pm_status'] = "Status";
$lang['pm_from'] = "Sender";
$lang['pm_html'] = "Enable HTML in this message";
$lang['pm_bbcode'] = "Enable BBCode in this message";
$lang['pm_smiles'] = "Enable Smilies in this message"; 
$lang['pm_perpage'] = "Messages per page";
$lang['pm_user_pm'] = "PM";
$lang['pm_user_pm_alt'] = "PM to this user";
$lang['pm_total'] = "Total messages";
$lang['pm_received'] = "Received";
$lang['pm_quote'] = "Quote";
$lang['pm_error_save'] = "Error saving message. (the message could has been received)";
$lang['pm_error_notfound'] = "Can't find message.";
$lang['pm_paging_stats'] = "You have {total_cat_images} message(s) {new} on {total_pages} page(s) in your {box}.<br />Displayed: massage {first_page} to {last_page}.";
$lang['pm_email'] = "Notify by email on new Private Message";
$lang['pm_popup'] = "Pop up window on new Private Message";
$lang['pm_popup_confirm'] = "You have a new private message. Click OK to view it, or cancel to hide this prompt.";
$lang['pm_popup_newwindow'] = "Open in new window?\\n\\n(Press cancel to open your Inbox in the current window.)";
$lang['pm_email_new'] = "New private message";
$lang['pm_comment_quote'] = "comment";
$lang['pm_mark_read'] = "All messages as read.";
$lang['pm_storage'] = "The folder {box} and (size)% full size";
$lang['pm_storage_unlimited'] = "(The folder box) has no limit";
$lang['pm_user_limit_reached'] = "{user}'s user's inbox is full";
$lang['pm_inbox_limit'] = "Inbox Messages Limit";
$lang['pm_sentbox_limit'] = "Sentbox Messages Limit";
$lang['pm_finduser'] = "By Name";
$lang['pm_finduser_notfound'] = "No Username.";
$lang['pm_finduser_wildcards'] = "Use * as a wildcard in the user name.";
$lang['pm_select'] = "Auswählen";
$lang['pm_finduser_many'] = "More than one user found.";
$lang['pm_user_id_priority'] = "Username <b>Selection</b> has a higher priority than the user name <b>Feld</b>.";
$lang['pm_user_inbox'] = "Inbox limit<span class=\"smalltext\"><br />set to <font color=red><b>0</b></font> to use global settings<br>or <font color=red><b>-1</b></font> for unlimited</span>";
$lang['pm_user_sentbox'] = "Sentbox limit<span class=\"smalltext\"><br />set to <font color=red><b>0</b></font> to use global settings<br>or <font color=red><b>-1</b></font> for unlimited</span>";
$lang['pm_toosoon'] = "Sorry, you can not have as many messages vershcicken behind each other.";
$lang['pm_toosoon_user'] = "Sorry, you can not behind each other so often another user to send a message.";
$lang['pm_next'] = "Next;";
$lang['pm_prev'] = "Back ";

Pages: [1]