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Messages - newuser222

Pages: [1]

this is the mod:
but this mod is not for beginner, best way is, make the Modification  first in a test Gallery.

mfg Andi
Thanks, i'll give it a try....


in simple  when a user go to upload an image he goes to the upload page and instead of uploading one image, he can upload three or four images for the same item..for example i have a mobil Model: N1234  i have made three photos for it (from frontside, backside,right and left side) so can upload these 4 images to be shown in the same details page..not in category. ...

so what i need is to add a choice to upload more than one image in the details page.. i hope you got the idea.. :cry:

Hi guys!
i have search for a MOD that enables user to upload more than one image to be shown in the details page. i have found other mods for multiuploads just for categories,which means each image uploaded in a seprated category.. what i'm looking for is a MOD to show 4 or 5 images for one thing in one page (details page)..i hope you got the idea..

and thanks in advance.. :wink:

If you have categories in different non-latain characters language and want to reporting add this MOD,then you'll face a problem with the link characters, since the link will include non-latain characters of the category name and/or the uploaded image name.

the original code in includes/functions.php file:
Code: [Select]
$report_url = ($config['report_image_status'] == 0 && $user_info['user_level'] >= USER) ? $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."report_pic.php?".URL_CAT_ID."=".$image_row['cat_id']."&cat_name=".$image_row['cat_name']."&".URL_IMAGE_ID."=".$image_row['image_id']."&image_name=".$image_row['image_name']) : "";
must be change into this:
Code: [Select]
$report_url = ($config['report_image_status'] == 0 && $user_info['user_level'] >= USER) ? $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."report_pic.php?".URL_CAT_ID."=".$image_row['cat_id']."&cat_name=".urlencode($image_row['cat_name'])."&".URL_IMAGE_ID."=".$image_row['image_id']."&image_name=".urlencode($image_row['image_name'])) : "";
that's it!!
If there are any modifications ur welcome guys! :wink:

How to show the categories on an external page??
i just found the random photo that can be shown on an external page, i tried to play with some code but couldn't make it work.
any help please would be approciated

Pages: [1]