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Messages - Bad_Byte

Pages: [1]
Feedback & Suggestions / Request for next version
« on: May 05, 2002, 06:31:15 AM »
An easy way to rename the filename itself just not the name that get displayed. I've noticed there are a few characters that ImageMagick's convert don't like so it skips those when I generate thumb pictures. So then I have to 1) delete its entry in the database. 2) log on to the webserver and rename the file 3) add the picture back to the database 4) finaly generate the thumb picture.

So what I request for next version if its posible to add a "File name" box under the "Image name" box it would make it so much easier (for me when I stumble over a picture with a "bad name" that ImageMagick won't prosess).

And if its not to much to ask for, an English version of the discussion board (my German ain't to good, and I don't trust "babelfish" translations to be good fish)

Bad_Byte (Undernet/DALnet)

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