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Messages - kujayhawk

Pages: [1] 2
Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Email Gallery to Friend
« on: May 05, 2008, 12:37:26 AM »

I have 4images 1.7.4 and I have searched for a mod that would allow anyone that visits the site to be able to send it to a friend via email, but have not been able to come across one.

Either being able to email just a single photo, the gallery, or the website as a whole is what I am looking for. If anyone has done this or knows how please contact me.



... I 'm a little bit confused ...
... in cat 89 you don't have any big-images in /data/media/89/big ....
... in cat 90 your big images are in /data/media/90 and in /data/media/90/big are also no big-images ...
...  :roll: ...
... I think, first of all you should study this ...
... a answer of your "three images request" ... here is my tutorial [TUT] One Image - Three sizes  ...

Well, it is not three images. It is only two. Category 89 should not have big images, I did not want to keep the big versions of those. Only the different player from Iowa State Player folder did I want to keep the originals. So its 89/90/big, where 89 are the KU photos, 90 are the Iowa State Player photos, and 90/big are the Iowa State Player big photos.

There is definitely a 90/big folder on the server though, and it does have the big images in it.

Any luck?

Yes, I realize that, I am sorry.

I am logged out of a user account and looking at the category and it shows me the download link for the photo. is the tennis category, cat_id=90 is the big images category.

Maybe your browser cache has not been updated?

I really appreciate you taking the time on this.

ok, the permissions are correct now.

there is the 4images link thing at the bottom still. what exactly is supposed to be there?

Right, ha. That would be The folder with the big images is under tennis, iowa state, iowa state player. That is the only folder on the server with big images along with regular images.

Every other category on the site has just regular resized images with no big folder.

I am not getting any errors at all while downloading without changes to Chris' code, it just downloads the regularly sized file. What would be the ultimate is on the details page, knowing how to get a link or make a button to where if there is a big file associated with the resized version to have that display in addition to the regular download size.

Below this is the code I noticed in download.php, I changed the last ending '/' to be '/big/' and it downloaded the big files in that Iowa State Player folder, but on a regular image without the BIG size it did not download properly. Hope all this information helps, and I really appreciate you giving me a hand with this!


Code: [Select]
//    $file['file_path'] = (is_local_file($image_row['image_media_file'])) ? dirname($image_row['image_media_file'])."/".$file['file_name'] : MEDIA_PATH."/".$image_row['cat_id']."/".$file['file_name'];
    // Let the user download the "<cat_id>/download/<fname>", "<cat_id>/big/<fname>", or "<cat_id>/<fname>" version of the image
$temp = get_file_path($file['file_name'], "download", $image_row['cat_id'], 0, 1);
if( !file_exists($temp) )
  $temp = (is_local_file($image_row['image_media_file'])) ? dirname($image_row['image_media_file'])."/".$file['file_name'] : MEDIA_PATH."/".$image_row['cat_id']."/".$file['file_name'];
$file['file_path'] = $temp;

Woops, sorry. is the topic and about 4 or 5 posts down is Chris' code in reply to the original message.

Hi all,

I have somewhat successfully added Chris' "Alternate directory for download files." The problem I am having is that when I click the download button on images that I know there is a matching filename within the 'big' folder, the resized image still downloads. It shows the correct filesize for the big file too. I have looked through all the pages in that forum thread and can not find the solution. Any help would be great as I am sure it is some small change I am not catching.


Ok, I have searched around for some time and can not find what I am looking for. I just want a simple download large file button which I will make to show up on the image details page if there is a big file associated with the smaller resized version. I can not find it anywhere, please help.

Thank you very much.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Images not showing up
« on: April 09, 2008, 01:20:54 AM »
Just recently I noticed that new image categories are now not showing the large images and I have no clue why. Everything else is working in other galleries, but my three most recent galleries the images do not show up. Then when I go to download one, the image downloads properly and you can see the image when you open it from the file on your computer.

Anyone have any ideas on why this would be happening?


Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Headline
« on: September 29, 2007, 06:28:02 PM »
These forums are useless.

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Headline
« on: September 23, 2007, 08:47:18 PM »
Anyone know how you can make the headline meta info from IPTC as the image name when you do check new images?

I tried messing around in the checkimages.php file and had no luck. This has to be an easy fix, so if you know please post on here.

Thank you.

Version 1.7.4

Here is the code for that as well. I found it in the checkimages.php file on line 1073. I just need it to automatically pull the IPTC Headline from the meta info.

Code: [Select]
      $title = $lang['field_image_name'].((isset($file_src)) ? get_iptc_insert_link($file_src, "object_name", "image_name_".$ii, 0) : "");
      show_input_row($title, "image_name_".$ii, stripslashes($image_name), $textinput_size);

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Headline
« on: September 23, 2007, 08:36:39 PM »
Anyone know how you can make the headline meta info from IPTC as the image name when you do check new images?

I tried messing around in the checkimages.php file and had no luck. This has to be an easy fix, so if you know please post on here.

Thank you.

Version 1.7.4

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [Mod] Image Annotation (Watermark)
« on: September 18, 2007, 05:09:34 PM »
I got it working now. I had mistyped one letter in the path. Grr. Works great now. Just go to your phpinfo() in the admin panel and get your home directory path and go from there.

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