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Messages - windreiter

Pages: [1]
it seems, that the problem is the autosize-parameter. I tried a lot of variations of the wmv-template and the video plays fine with a fixed player resolution set with width and height (although the resolution is not correct in Mozilla) and the control buttons are displayed. But as soon as autosize is set to True resp. "1" an to fix resolution is given, you only see a upper left corner of the video and the control buttons are gone.

In the moment I run the following wmv-template:
Code: [Select]
<object ID="Player" width="384" height="334" CLASSID="clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95" CODEBASE=",4,5,715" STANDBY="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." TYPE="application/x-oleobject">
<param name="autoStart" value="True">
<param name="fileName" value="{media_src}">
<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" ID="Player" width="384" height="334" pluginspage="" autostart="1" src="{media_src}">

The size of the player-window is "locked", but it works until a solution of the fault is found. I'm not really happy with it, but I have no more ideas...

no. the videos in the links that I've sent to you have been played with the template above.

btw, that's not the "fault". later, i'll modify and try the code you sent me. now i have to work a little bit ;-)

isn't there a </embed> missing at the end of the template above?

sorry, yes. it's the one from the FAQ:

Code: [Select]
<!-- Template file for WMV Movies  -->
<embed id="VideoVIDEO"


I've the problem that I generally post larger video-files than the php.ini of my hoster allows. So I upload the files directly into the specific folder (via FTP or a Perl-script) and run "check new images" after that. Until this point everything works fine and the video appears in the gallery.

On clicking the video, it starts palying in the details.php-window. Now, some browser shows it in a different way: IE6 and IE7 automatically resize the window of the media-player-plugin to the original resolution of the video. (This is what it should do on all browsers..)

But Mozilla (Suite and Firefox) start playing the video in the original plugin-size of ca. 240 x 200 px, but either the video is resized to this resolution or it's "cut off". That means, it'll be played in the resolution of the video-file, but you only see the upper-left corner with the size of this 240 x 200 px.

We only upload wmv-files, so i didn't checked it, if this happens to other video-formats, too. For including *.wmv-files to the gallery I followed the FAQ.

Can you help me?

Thanks a lot and greetings from South Germany,

jetzt gehts. hab die Galerie nochmal komplett rausgeschmissen und neu aufgesetzt.

das müsste ich ja dann aber mit jedem Bild (Ordner) machen, das von den Usern hochgeladen wird??

ein phpinfo() sagt mir, dass der Safe mode abgeschaltet ist...


beim Hochladen von Bildern erhalte ich folgende Fehlermeldungen:

Warning: move_uploaded_file(./data/media/1/xxxxx.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /srv/www/vhosts/xxxxxxx/galerie/includes/upload.php on line 113

Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpWOtLAn' to './data/media/1/xxxxx.jpg' in /srv/www/vhosts/xxxxxxx/galerie/includes/upload.php on line 113

Er kann wohl diesen Unterornder /1/ nicht erstellen, in den das Bild geladen werden soll. Woran kann das liegen?

Ich bin beim Installieren nach der "Arbeitsanweisung" vorgegangen, die Ordner und Dateien haben die dort angegebenen Lese/Schreibrechte.

Vielen Dank,

Pages: [1]