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Messages - avsrock90

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Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Contact Form
« on: January 18, 2006, 05:52:37 AM »
Please read the replies. This has been discussed and customized along the way.

I'm really sorry Oracle, but after reading the entire set of replies in english and trying to translate the German ones, I still can't see it....what would be ideal for me is just a way to have several links saying Contact Bob / Contact Tim / Contact Michael / etc and have seperate emails defined for each? That way I could set it so that emails go to addresses other than those of the admin? I've explored he coding, and read all the replies, and I guess I still must be missing something?

Best Regards

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Contact Form
« on: January 16, 2006, 05:16:55 PM »
Just a few questions about this mod:

Is there any reason why the template on the contact.php page would not match the rest of the site once it has been installed?

Is there any way to customize who the emails go to? Several other regular uploaders to my database would like their own contact link as well. Could I just make some changes in contact.php and have several different files that email individual contributors?

Thanks for helping out a coding idiot! 

Thanks for the help. I've got it working pretty well now. Just a few questions:

Is there any reason why the template on the contact.php page would not match the rest of the page?

Is there any way to customize who the emails go to? Several other regular uploaders to my database would like their own contact link as well. Could I just make some changes in contact.php and have several different files that email individual contributors?

Thanks for helping out a coding idiot!  :mrgreen:


Email Error: Couldn't open Template ./lang/english/email/contactform_message.html

The contactform_message.html file might be missing. Perhaps you forgot to upload the file within your lang/english/email folder. ;)

Hehe, I'm an idiot, so hopefully you can bear with me!  :mrgreen:

That file never existed in that directory prior to my installation of the contact mod, and it isn't one of the files downloaded in the contact mod.....where should I have gotten it from?

Just add a link to contact.php into user_loginform.html and user_logininfo.html template
Code: [Select]
<a href="contact.php"><b>Kontakt</b></a>

OK, a couple more questions for you, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help!

I added those Contact links on the left side of the page there. One thing I am still struggling with is who do these emails target? I never saw a field to define the addressee (unless you count the field I was supposed to change in contact.php, which I did). Second, I want the emails to be able to target both myself and other uploaders to my gallery. Is this possible?  :|

Second, when I tried to send an email from contact.php, these error messages were returned:

Email Error: Couldn't open Template ./lang/english/email/contactform_message.html

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/a/v/s/avsrock90/html/forimages/includes/email.php:336) in /home/content/a/v/s/avsrock90/html/forimages/contact.php on line 85

If you've got any more insight, that would be great!

In the mean time, the contact page MOD is defaultly coded for all users. Meaning, GUEST level is included. ;)
First finish the code, then talk about it :P ;)

after searching for obvious keyword contact the fifth topic returned:
next time, please do it yourself ;)

Yea, I apollogize for that. I actually found that mod earlier and due to the language barrier, I wasn't quite sure what the mod did, and how to implement it. I went ahead and followed the instructions on the first post there, and I still get the same contact page, and what not. Am I missing anything?

I tried translating the readme and it was VERY rough, but I understood that it wanted me to go into the ACP and try and edit the home.html file via templates. The text it told me to search for was not there, however. If you guys can give me anymore help, I would appreciate it.

Code: [Select]
so, die beiden html dateien legst du in den ordner: template/default/dein_template
und auch in alle anderen aktiven templates, solltest du den useren templates zur auswahl geben!

die datei: email.php legst du in den ordner includes

und die datei contakt.php legst du in den ordner root der galerie bzw. deiner webseite, dort wo die index liegt.  passe vorher die zeilen 74 bis 76(75) an deine seite und deine e-mail-addi an!

danach gibst du die datei home.html mit chmod 777 frei um im acp das template bearbeiten zu können..
ACP >>> Template bearbeiten  >>> Template home.html bearbeiten

suche: <td align="right" width="50%">
        <a href="{url_top_images}"><b>{lang_top_images}</b></a>&nbsp;
        <a href="{url_new_images}"><b>{lang_new_images}</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;

und ersetze es mit:

<td align="right" width="50%">
        <a href="{url_top_images}"><b>{lang_top_images}</b></a>&nbsp;
        <a href="{url_new_images}"><b>{lang_new_images}</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>
<a href="contact.php"><b>Kontakt</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;


(wäre der link zur kontaktseite in der home.html) zu kannst den link aber auch an anderer stelle z.b. header/footer oder wo auch immer einbauen.

die datei mailform_message.html kommt in den ordner: lang/deutsch/email/

solltest du die datei in englisch haben wollen, so ändere die lang und leg die datei zusätlich in den ordner: lang/english/email/
(den inhalt der datei kannst du frei anpassen!

das war´s! viel spaß mit dem kontaktformular!

bedankt euch bei: vincent kocher (

solltet ihr fragen haben zu diesem mod haben: oder

Translates to:
Code: [Select]
so, the two HTML files put you into the file:  template/default/dein_template and also into all other active templates, you should give the useren templates to the selection!  the file:  email.php you put includes in the file and the file contakt.php put you into the file root of the gallery and/or your web page, where those is appropriate for index.  adapt before the lines 74 to 76(75) to your side and yours e-mail-addi!  afterwards you give to be able to work on the file home.html with chmod 777 freely over in acp the template.  ACP > > > Template work on > > > Template home.html work on search:  < td "width="50%" > < A align="right href="{url_top_images}"><b>{lang_top_images}</b></a>   < A href="{url_new_images}"><b>{lang_new_images}</b></a>    </td > and replace it with:  < td "width="50%" > < A align="right href="{url_top_images}"><b>{lang_top_images}</b></a>   < A href="{url_new_images}"><b>{lang_new_images}</b></a>  <br><br > < A href="contact.php"><b>Kontakt</b></a>      < can do br > < br > </td > (would left be to the contact side in home.html) too that left in addition, at other one place e.g. more header/footer or wherever to insert.  the file mailform_message.html comes into the file:  should have wanted long/German/email the file in English, then change those long and put the file zusaetlich into the file:  lang/english/email/(you can adapt contents of the file freely!  war's!  much fun with the form for contact!  thanks you you:  vincent digesters (www.foto should have you ask to this mod to have:  info@thomas or www.thomas
Perhaps it is just a translation issue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


I was curious if it was possible to allow users to contact photographers without logging in? I didn't see any options in configuration, but perhaps I missed something?

I would appreciate any help!

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