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Messages - Bomba

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Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / request: favorite users
« on: April 06, 2003, 12:42:44 AM »
:) well this gallery have a great potential... so why won't we work on that?
people like to visit a place where a great community exists, at least, that's what i think :D

hope someone make this mod

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / request: favorite users
« on: April 05, 2003, 11:47:45 PM »
i think that would be cool if users can add other users to some kind of personal "favorit users".

it would also be GREAT if when logged in we could check the new images from those specific "favorit users"

this MOD would be really awesome i think

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / [MOD] Lightbox for GUESTs
« on: April 05, 2003, 09:47:53 PM »
i've tried this mod but it seems that it's not working cause when i click in "album" button as a guest it doesn't save that info and then i go to the album link and it says that i don't have any images on favs.

should i post my code here?

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / mod request: users ranking
« on: April 05, 2003, 09:24:16 PM »
but is that the code?
if so where should i insert it?


Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / mod request: users ranking
« on: April 05, 2003, 09:11:47 PM »
v@no i've checked your gallery and you have something similar to what we ask here (top users).

can u post the code, or even better, can u adapt your mod with some of this things that we would like to see in this mod?



i would like to integrate on my gallery a template where users have the chance to write news, articles... things like that.
i've search on the net for this enews thing and i've found some codes, but i can't integrate it on the 4 images gallery in a way that only registed users have this option available. regular visitors can only read users posts.

i know that this as nothing to do with the gallerys, but i think that updated news are always a good thing to keep a site updated.

thanks in advance.

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / [Mod] Photo Of The Day
« on: March 10, 2003, 04:25:00 PM »
will this potd message stay on that image details for ever, or just as long as she's the selected potd_image?

'cause i'm selecting my gallery photo of the day everyday, and i would like to leave that message for ever in every single photo of the day that i already had chosen (and each one would have the description why was she selected in details.html)

does this code works that way? or just show the message as long as she's selected as potd?

 :roll:  thanks

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / [Mod] Photo Of The Day
« on: March 10, 2003, 01:45:25 PM »
but you're not understanding. that's not what i want. i know how to edit the potd_image_html.
what i want is to edit the details.html of that specific image.

when u click on the thumbnail of the potd it will open the details page, with the description, keywords, user comments, ... and i want to add a text saying why was that picture choosen as POTD.


Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / [Mod] Photo Of The Day
« on: March 10, 2003, 01:11:04 AM »
but how can i edit the details template of that specific image?
if i edit the template it will change all details image id page, right?


Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / [Mod] Photo Of The Day
« on: March 09, 2003, 11:50:17 PM »
how can i add additional text to my photo of the day?

i mean, i want to add at the details.htm of the choosen image a text by administration saying why was that picture choosen.
this would be a way to mark the difference bettwen the photos of the day and the regular photos.


i've seen on the demo memberlist that there is a new cell showing user comments, how can i add this?

and also how can i make the number of images of each user showed on the memberlist work has link to that user gallery? (same way as demo does)


Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Random pictures
« on: March 09, 2003, 10:33:51 PM »
thanks :)

that was just what i wanted

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Random pictures
« on: March 09, 2003, 08:49:05 PM »
i used this code and it works just great
but there's something that i would like to change, if possible.

with this code it shows the same number of random images as the new images, but i would like to show only 6 random images.

my index shows 2 rows of new images (12 new images) and for the random images i just want 1 row (6 images)



i would like to see a mod where after log in, it would show how many new comments we have to our images, like this:

you have (x) new comments - and this would be a link to those new comments

and if this is only possible if the user log off, i think another way to do it is like a full list of the comments to our images, like this:

your images were commented (x) times - and this would be a link to all the comments made to our images


hmmm i see what u mean
but i've seen other sites that i don't need to log off and they show me the new comments everytime i go to their site... it's the well known


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