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Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Invalid filetype
« on: May 23, 2008, 05:34:49 PM »
I made a WAMPP or XAMPP like program, called 4mages Mobile Server .
Please try it, and share your own experience.



Español / Castellano / Re: Consulta subir imagenes
« on: May 23, 2008, 04:04:15 AM »
ACP (Administrator Control Panel) es el panel de administración del sitio web.

Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: Template für Categories
« on: May 22, 2008, 09:40:54 PM »
Hello, honda 2000 nd Nicky;
I'd really like to discuss with you. But I am French. Posting in english is yet heavy for me. I was really a bad pupil at school, and do not remeber anything in german language. Fault is mine. Google translation, or anyother bot does not help me much.
If you can post here in english, most members could help you.

Hey, I don't blame you in any way. I just hope that anyone here could help you.

Best regards.


Español / Castellano / Re: Consulta subir imagenes
« on: May 22, 2008, 09:30:35 PM »
Hola, y bienvenida en este foro;
la solución de Nobby es buenisima.
Pero puedes hacer que todo sea automatico, siguiendo esto: [Plugin] Batch Import.

Si necesitas alguna ayuda para traducirlo, somos aquí un montón deseando ayudar :mrgreen:.

Hasta pronto.


Français / Re: générateur de miniature
« on: May 21, 2008, 09:07:44 AM »
Salut, _AsX_;
il n'y a pas de raison que cela ne fonctionne pas. Le script de Nicky fonctionne à merveille pour des milliers de membres.

Pour ne pas embêter les membres francophones de ce forum (qui entre nous soit dit, semble sommeiller un tant soit peu), je vous propose de prendre contact avec moi par PM, pour que nous essayions ensemble de traiter, voire de résoudre votre problème.

S'il m'est possible de vous aider, je suis à votre entière disposition.



Turkish / Türkçe / Thanks to any translator
« on: May 21, 2008, 08:49:37 AM »
Hello to all turkish users in this forum.
Thanks to anybody who is able to translate the MODs and threads of 4homepages forum in turkish language.
Please, keep on looking at the forum and translating.
You really all do a very good job!

Everybody here hopes our turkish friends will enjoy and spread 4images script.
In any case, if any trouble, we wait for you in the international forums, if you can explain your own problem in english, german, french or spanish... You will allways find someone to help you.
Just excuse us to not manage your native language.

Best regards.


Türkçe forumunu kullanan herkese Merhabalar.
 Öncelikle bu forumda gerek modları tercüme eden gerekse  sorunlara cevap veren arkadaşlara teşekkür ederim...
Bu hal üzere devam etmenizi temenni ederim... Eğer böyle devam ederseniz çok güzel bir görev yapmış olursunuz....

Herkesin çok güzel bir script olan 4imagesı destekleyip yayılmasına vesile olmasını umarım.
Arkadaşla sizi  herhangi bir olayda  veya sıkıntıda  eğer  İngilizce, Alman, Fransız veya İspanyol  probleminizi açıklayabilirseniz         uluslararası yardımlaşmaya bekleriz...
Size yardım edecek birilerini  herzaman bulacaksınız...
Sadece yerli lisanda konuşmayı kabul etmiyoruz....
En iyi saygılar.

I knew you should be here, KurtW!
Awesome, as usual!

Hey, Nicky9, trust KurtW. It should work! :D

Chit Chat / Re: If you are running an 'old' 4images site ...
« on: May 20, 2008, 11:19:00 PM »
Do you mean that it would be the same thing if Ihad an old Traban car with a Mercedes stick on it?

However, installing an old version and accepting the licence agreement, and then changing the version display seems not very fair to me...
Being a webmaster seems to bring a lot of sweat and tears. Hopefully, we all try here to support each others.


Ok, parsed.... how do I parse it?
I did not really hope it should work.
I'm not anyway a PHP Guru.Please give me sometime to make some tests, or also, KurtW, Mawenzi or anyother code champ will see your topic and have a solution.



What template do you use, please?

don't know what your own template is, but try to change in "top.php":
Code: [Select]
$main_template = 'top';

Code: [Select]
$templates_used = 'top,whos_online';
$main_template = 'top';

By the way, "whos_online" does not appear in the default "top.html" template page.
Maybe "top.php" is not coded to parse "whos_online"...
I never tried, sorry.

Español / Castellano / Re: Boton o link a una web principal
« on: May 20, 2008, 09:20:09 PM »
Aqui no hay ningun campeon. Solo gente que suele ayudar.

Hasta pronto.

Chit Chat / Re: If you are running an 'old' 4images site ...
« on: May 20, 2008, 04:44:45 PM »
a stupid question from a stupid member.
Let's say I have a gallery running under 4images 1.7.1.
You said:
One of the top search phrases is the search for "powered by 4images 1.7.1" or "powered by 4images 1.7.1 2002".

Let's also say that I've applicated so much MODs that I can't figure doing it since the beginning and testing the compatibility with the 1.7.6 script.
What about if I edit my file "includes/constants.php", and change line #141 from:
Code: [Select]
define('SCRIPT_VERSION', '1.7.1');
Code: [Select]
define('SCRIPT_VERSION', '1.7.6');?

Would stupid hackers ignore me?
What would be Google or any bot results?

Español / Castellano / Re: Boton o link a una web principal
« on: May 20, 2008, 04:02:41 PM »
No te apures;
si necesitas una traducción, pídela.
Aquí estoy.



Desde luego, no comprendo por qué tengo que esperar:

Crear un menu de navigación, y tambien un menu de bajo de pagina, se puede hacer, añadiendo posibilidades a su plantilla.

Esto es un ejemplo, usando la plantilla "default", providida en el arquivo de 4images.

  • Primero, edita el ficher includes/page_header.php
A lo ultimo de este fichero, antes del symbolo de fín:
Code: [Select]
añadir estas líneas:
Code: [Select]
//---- Template my_menu.html  (columna de izquierda)------------------------------

$my_menu = $site_template->parse_template("my_menu");
    "my_menu" => $my_menu
//---- Template my_footer.html (bajo de pagina)-----------------------------

$my_footer = $site_template->parse_template("my_footer");
    "my_footer" => $my_footer

  • Entonces, abrir la carpeta templates/su_plantilla/.

_____Crear un fichero llamado "my_menu.html", cón este código, por ejemplo::
Code: [Select]
<div align="center">
<table  width="100" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  <td width="100%" align="center" height="17" background="{template_url}/images/button.gif" ><a href="index.php" style="text-decoration: none"><strong>First link</strong></a></td>
 <td width="100%" align="center" height="17" background="{template_url}/images/button.gif" ><a href="index.php" style="text-decoration: none"><strong>Second link</strong></a></td>
 <td width="100%" align="center" height="17" background="{template_url}/images/button.gif" ><a href="" style="text-decoration: none"><strong>Partner</strong></a></td>
Tambien tiene que copiar esta imagen: , en su carpeta su_plantilla/images/.

_____Si necesita un menu en bajo de la pagina, crea tambien un fichero llamado "my_footer.html" cón el código:
Code: [Select]
<br /><div align="center">
  <table width="600" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <tr class="head1">
      <td width="25%" align="center" class="row1"><a href="contact.php">Contact us</a> </td>
      <td width="25%" align="center" class="row2"><a href="cookies.php">Cookies</a></td>
      <td width="25%" align="center" class="row1"><a href="terms.php">Terms</a></td>
      <td width="25%" align="center" class="row2"><a href="wazza.php">Etc...</a></td>

  • Desde entonces, podeis llamar los enlaces {my_footer} y {my_menu} desde cualquier fichero HTML de su plantilla.

Ejemplo: editar el fichero su_plantilla/home.html
Code: [Select]
{endif random_image}
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Añadir ANTES:
Code: [Select]
He hecho intentos cón la plantilla "defaul", y esto es lo que me sale::

  • Aparece "my_menu" así:
  • Aparece "my_footer" así:

Lla que el trabajo esta hecho, solo tiene que editar el fichero my_menu.html o my_footer.html una vez para que las modificaciones se vean en todo el sitio.

Desde luego, perdón por adelanto por mi traducción. Llevo años sín hablar o escribir castellano.
De todos modos, pída la ayuda que usted necesite. Aquí somos muchos para ofrecer nuestra ayuda.

Español / Castellano / Re: Boton o link a una web principal
« on: May 20, 2008, 03:28:07 PM »
Hola, Gelorto;
mira aqui: Menu.

Es en inglés pero se entiende bien.
En cualquier caso, pide y te lo voy a traducir.



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