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Messages - bernd

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Discussion & Troubleshooting / Neue Bilder checken......
« on: December 28, 2002, 06:04:36 PM »

hat jemand mittlerweile 'ne Möglichkeit gefunden, daß es doch geht? Ich hab gerade unsere Galerie um gut 1000 Bilder in fast 50 Kategorien erweitert und da würde dieses Feature mir wirklich viel Arbeit sparen.

Oder hat jemand 'ne Idee wie man das Problem angehen könnte?


OK, I think this babelfish thingys are quite hilarious :)
The 1st paragraph hasn't been translated too bad but the 2nd is barely understandable. Let me try to help out a little (I don't know phprint but it sounds interesting so I'm interested in the possible solution):

magicx writes:

phprint might be a nice tool but it doesn't work if a category is only visible for registered users, i.e. only an empty page is displayed then. If I set the access rights to "all" the page is displayed properly.

I've tried to include the check_permission into the phprint script but it didn't work so far (to be precise, I actually don't know where to put or how the syntax has to look like).

@magicx, ich hoffe es ist OK, wenn ich das übersetze?


take a look here as well

I've put a small javascript snippet in there to create a a pop up if someone clicks on the button.

HTH + cheers,

Installation, Update & Configuration / No Search Results Problem...
« on: December 20, 2002, 11:24:13 PM »
Jan is right. If you are on a mac there is no better editor than BBEdit. They have a demo available - or if you can live without code coloring and other gimmicks they have a Lite version that is free - see here for more info. With BBEdit you can just open the file and let it display the line numbers for you.


perfecto!! vielen dank für die wie immer kompetente und schnelle Hilfe (hätt ich mir ja auch denken können, daß es dafür 'ne ganz einfach Lösung gibt  :)  )



bei der Userregistrierung habe ich einige zusätzliche Felder eingefügt und eines von denen ist die Frage, ob sie einen Newsletter erhalten wollen oder nicht. Lös ich also bei der Registrierung über 'n Set von Radiobuttons, abgespeichert wird's in der DB als 0 für Nein und 1 für Ja. Kein Problem soweit.

Ein "Problem" (kein wirkliches, sieht nur nicht schön aus) ist im Adminbereich beim Bearbeiten eines User - dort stehen die zusätzlichen Felder schön untereinander, für dieses Radiobutton-Feld ist jetzt natürlich auch nur'n Textfeld und da steht "0" oder "1" drin. Wie krieg ich das hin, daß dort auch Radiobuttons wie bei z.B. "E-Mail anzeigen" erscheinen?

Danke und cheers,

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / here ya go
« on: December 15, 2002, 10:24:08 AM »
OK, first off thnx for the positive feedback. And a special thanks for asking about this thing as I had to go in to see how I actually did it and then find out that it was actually not working because I had a few links messed up ...

Here's what I did: basically I took the lightbox.php, added/changed a few things and created a <form> around it which I send with PHP via mail. For this I make use of the PHP feature that when calling a PHP page via a <form> automatically variables are created and filled according to the fields in the <form>. This is actually the easiest part - it's not pretty but for the moment it works :) A nicer solution would be to feed it into the database and send a notification to the admin or something like that (for me that's phase 2 ...).
The HTML is created in the quotation.php with a while ... do loop for all images in the lightbox.

I've created a ZIP file with the files quotation.php (to be put into the 4images root), the quotation.html (to be put into the template folder), the quotation_send.php (the thing that creates the mail out of the <form>) - I did not include the quotation_ok.html nor the quotation_error.html as there is nothing special in there; the paths to them are to be found in the quotation_send.php, and I think they have to be hard coded. Download it from here (Edit: If you want to have the scripts please send me a PM as I want to keep a little bit track of who's getting it and who's not - there is one competitor in exactly our field who I don't want to be aware of this feature/script :? ).

So, I hope you'll find your way around. If you have questions or things are unclear (which wouldn't surprise me) please yell out! And Chris: feel free to massage it as much as you like (as long as we get the results presented but I don't think this needs to be mentioned, right? :-) )

One more remark: I've modified the user registration as you might've seen and the only reason (at least so far) is to automatically put these values into the quotation form when it's called. And there are definetly things in the quotation.php that don't need to be there and are just in there because it has been a lightbox.php once (i.e. I don't really know what they are there for so I rather let them be).

HTH and as I said if there are questions or things that need explanation/clarification please say so!

Quote from: jarmen
Is it possible to create a mod that would allow a registered user to click a link to email the admin a list of images they have in their lightbox, possibly with a comment?  It just needs to have a simple comment field, then email the image names.

Yeap, can be done. I did  so creating a sort of quotation form for the site (which is more than what you are asking for but stripping it down is always easy :) ). The user can with that form ask for an offer. I want to change it in the future so that it feeds into the database but right now a simple eMail is enough for us.

If you want to take a peek - only in German at the moment though. You have to register and then login and from the lightbox ("Leuchtkasten") you'll see a button "Angebot anfordern" ("ask for an offer"). Feel free to try that (yes, also click on "absenden" - just put something in one of the "bemerkung" boxes so that i know it's not real :) )

If this is basically what you need I can post the code here - be aware that it's dirty though and a couple of things are hard-wired where they maybe shouldn't.


rsorbo, if I got your question right you are asking what "CHMOD 666" means, right?

CHMOD 666 is the octal writing of allowing everyone (owner, group, world in Transmit terms) read and write access to that file (or folder).

CHMOD 777 is the octal for allowing everyone everything: read, write, execute (what this means for a folder I think you've to consult a *nix documentation :-) )

Regarding batch mode Transmit v. 2.1 sort of enables that: select all your files you want to change (all these files have to be in one folder) and hit command-i - a "change permissions" window that is used for all hightlighted files opens.


Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: @Jan
« on: December 13, 2002, 09:46:17 AM »
Quote from: tobi23
Die anderen Keywords hab ich mit UPDATE SET bzw. phpmyadmin eingetragen ... Und die, die ich so eingetragen hab gehen nit (manche jedenfalls).

Probier mal dies aus


Quote from: mantra
Is there anyway to import data description from text file when we click on ceck new images on control panel? :D  :D

Jan has been working on a script that allows you to import text files that were exported from Extensis Portfolio. I produce these text files not with Portfolio but of course only the format is important (I use an application which I wrote in FileMaker Pro that serves our needs to attach keywords, descriptions to files better than Portfolio does).

Maybe Jan can provide you with the import script. The workflow is as follows: first upload the images via ftp, go to the admin control panel and check for new images, then envoke the import script, tell it which things to import and the order and fire it up. For all entries in the imported file that matches an entry in the database (i.e. the image is there) the description, keywords, whatever is imported.


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: question
« on: December 05, 2002, 09:16:58 PM »
Quote from: toto1
hello coment to post on the Home Page two to arrange photograph one below the other

Sorry but could you rephrase your question please? I don't quite understand what you try to achieve.


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: scheisse gebaut!
« on: December 05, 2002, 09:15:42 PM »
Quote from: Der_Nick
ich glaub ich hab scheise gebaut! wenn man meine seite aufbaut kommt nur noch
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '<' in /home/www/web104/html/4images/includes/template.php(133) : eval()'d code on line 159

was ist da los????

Poste doch mal Deine Zeile 159 (am besten noch ein paar davor und ein paar dahinter) aus der bemeckerten template.php.


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Suche nach Substrings automatisch möglich?
« on: December 04, 2002, 10:02:22 PM »

Zu meiner Ehrenrettung (?) muß ich sagen, daß ich das Forum durchsucht habe, aber der Titel des Posts ist mir nicht ins Auge gesprungen.

Danke nochmals,

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Suche nach Substrings automatisch möglich?
« on: December 03, 2002, 10:05:00 PM »

wenn ich im Suchfeld (egal, ob Schnellsuche oder erweiterte Suche), dann sucht er immer nur nach ganzen Worten, z.B. ich gebe "burg" ein, dann findet er auch nur "Burg" aber nicht "Hamburg"; ich muß also "*burg" eingeben. Kann man das so ändern, daß er auch bei der Eingabe von "burg" "Hamburg", "Johannesburg" usw. findet?

Danke und cheers,

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