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but the field usergroup already exists somwere in the database. So I don't need a new field. The user should be able to define the existing field "usergroup". So I don't have to link the user to a usergroup. And the user should also be able to change the usergroup in the control center (onliy between usergroup "Customer" and "Photographer".

Or do I missunderstand something?

Thank you for the hint. I did it and I hope to get soon an answer.


Thank you Jan! You have helped me a lot!

Now I have implemented two radio-buttons in the register_form.html.

Code: [Select]
<td class="row2"><b>Usergruppe</b></td>
<td class="row2">
<input checked type="radio" name="usergruppe" value="Kunde"/> Kunde
<input type="radio" name="usergruppe" value="Fotograf"/>Fotograf</td>

So the user has to chose one of the usergroupes "Customer" or "Photographer" befor he can register.

This information should be stored in the database. I have installed the MOD "default usergroup". This MOD wouldn't be used anymore, if the user has to chose the groupe at the moment of registration.

What do I have to do for storing this information in my database?
And how can I display the name of the usergroup which the user belongs to (e.g. in the control center)??

Thank you for your help. I appreciate this service!

Hi together

I have implemented two radio-buttons in the register_form.html.

The user must chose one the usergroupes "Customer" or "Photographer" befor he can register.

This information should be stored in the database.
I have installed the MOD "default usergroup". This MOD wouldn't be used anymore, if the user has to chose the groupe at the moment of registration.

How can I do that?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Showing the usergroup in logininfo
« on: March 18, 2005, 02:51:41 PM »
Do I have to do that with a SQL-Statement?  When yes, how do I have to do that? :?:
Or is there any variable / tag, which shows the usergroup?   :?:

I'd like next to show the usergroup next to the "Login-Name" in user_logininfo.

Thank you!!


Anybody who can help me?  :|


Besteht die Möglichkeit, dass der Button "Bestellen" unabhängig vom "Lightbox-Button" angezeigt wird?
Das heisst, ich möchte gerne die Shop-Funktionalität vom "Lightbox" entkoppeln.
Eine Karte sollte auch bestellt werden können, wenn diese nicht in die "Lightbox" abgelegt wurde.

Ist ein User nicht eingelogt, sieht er den Button "Lightbox" und den Button "Bestellen" in der Ansicht "Detail". Klickt er auf den Button "Bestellen" erscheint die Meldung, dass er sich einloggen muss. Den Button "Warenkorb" soll in der Ansicht "Detail" nicht angezeigt werden.

Für einen User, der eingeloggt ist, sieht ebenfalls die zwei Buttons "Lightbox" und "Bestellen". Klickt er auf Bestellen, wird der Button "Aus Warenkorb löschen" angezeigt (statt "Bestellen"). Dies ist bereits heute so.

Vielen Dank für die Hilfe!



Is there a possibility that the Button "to order" appear without activate the "lightbox-button" before?
I would like split the shop-functionality from the light-box-functionality.
A picture should be ordered without putting the card into the "lightbox.

Thank you for helping me!


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Showing the usergroup in logininfo
« on: March 17, 2005, 08:15:17 PM »
Hi together

How can I show the usergroup of a logged in user?

I'd like to show the usergroup in the logininfo.



and I had to put the code befor and after

Code: [Select]
if ($user_info['user_level'] >= USER) {for several times. This code exists more than once.

But now it works!

Two more questions:

Code: [Select]
{if is_admin}and
Code: [Select]
{endif is_admin}doesn't work anymore, if this code is between
Code: [Select]
{if is_in_group_photographer}and
Code: [Select]
{endif is_in_group_photographer}what can I do, that all tags are interpreted?

Is it possible to combine two different tags?
let's say, something can be seen by a guest and by a logged in photographer, but not for a customer.
how can I define that?

Thank you for helping me!


I think we are very close to a good solution... who can help me?

Sorry... I don't understand your question...  :oops:

I couldn't find "action=addtowarenkorb " in my html-/php-files.
So... what is the problem with this missing code?

Hi Jan

That is exactly what I'm looking for.
Unfortunately it doesn't work.
The text between the tags doesn't appear..

This is a part of my template:
Code: [Select]

<!-- /* Titel */ -->
   <h1>Wandergalerien</span> <hr size="1" />  </h1>
 {if is_in_group_customer}
ich bin ein kunde
{endif is_in_group_customer}

{if is_in_group_photographer}
ich bin ein Fotograf
{endif is_in_group_photographer}

This is my header_page.php

Code: [Select]
 *                                                                        *
 *    4images - A Web Based Image Gallery Management System               *
 *    ----------------------------------------------------------------    *
 *                                                                        *
 *             File: page_header.php                                      *
 *        Copyright: (C) 2002 Jan Sorgalla                                *
 *            Email:                                    *
 *              Web:                             *
 *    Scriptversion: 1.7.1                                                *
 *                                                                        *
 *    Never released without support from: Nicky (   *
 *                                                                        *
 *                                                                        *
 *    Dieses Script ist KEINE Freeware. Bitte lesen Sie die Lizenz-       *
 *    bedingungen (Lizenz.txt) für weitere Informationen.                 *
 *    ---------------------------------------------------------------     *
 *    This script is NOT freeware! Please read the Copyright Notice       *
 *    (Licence.txt) for further information.                              *
 *                                                                        *

if (!defined('ROOT_PATH')) {
  die("Security violation");

// Cache Templates
/*$template_list = 'header,footer,category_dropdown_form,user_logininfo,user_loginform,user_loginform2';
if (isset($templates_used) && $templates_used != "") {
  $template_list = $template_list.",".$templates_used;

//--- Register Global Vars ----------------------------
$total_images 0;
$total_categories 0;
$auth_cat_sql['auth_viewcat']['IN'] = 0;
$auth_cat_sql['auth_viewcat']['NOTIN'] = 0;

$cache_id create_cache_id(

if (!
$data get_cache_file($cache_idnull)) {
  if (!empty($cat_cache)) {
    foreach ($cat_cache as $key => $val) {
      if (check_permission("auth_viewcat"$key)) {
        if (isset($val['num_images'])) {
          $total_images += $val['num_images'];
        else {
          $cat_cache[$key]['num_images'] = 0;
        $auth_cat_sql['auth_viewcat']['IN'] .= ", ".$key;
      else {
        $auth_cat_sql['auth_viewcat']['NOTIN'] .= ", ".$key;

  $data = array();

  $data['total_images'] = $total_images;
  $data['total_categories'] = $total_categories;
  $data['auth_viewcat']['IN'] = $auth_cat_sql['auth_viewcat']['IN'];
  $data['auth_viewcat']['NOTIN'] = $auth_cat_sql['auth_viewcat']['NOTIN'];


} else {
  $data unserialize($data);

  $total_images $data['total_images'];
  $total_categories $data['total_categories'];
  $auth_cat_sql['auth_viewcat']['IN'] = $data['auth_viewcat']['IN'];
  $auth_cat_sql['auth_viewcat']['NOTIN'] = $data['auth_viewcat']['NOTIN'];

  "media_url" => MEDIA_PATH,
  "thumb_url" => THUMB_PATH,
  "icon_url" => ICON_PATH,
  "template_url" => TEMPLATE_PATH,
  "template_image_url" => TEMPLATE_PATH."/images",
  "template_lang_image_url" => TEMPLATE_PATH."/images_".$config['language_dir'],
  "site_name" => $config['site_name'],
  "site_email" => $config['site_email'],
  "self" => $site_sess->url($self_url),
  "self_full" => $site_sess->url($script_url."/".$self_url),
  "script_version" => SCRIPT_VERSION,
  "cp_link" => ($user_info['user_level'] != ADMIN) ? "" "\n<p align=\"center\">[<a href=\"".$site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."admin/index.php")."\">Control Panel</a>]</p>\n",
  "total_categories" => $total_categories,
  "total_images" => $total_images,
  "url_new_images" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."search.php?search_new_images=1"),
  "url_top_images" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."top.php"),
  "url_top_cat_images" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."top.php".(($cat_id && preg_match("/categories.php/"$self_url)) ? "?".URL_CAT_ID."=".$cat_id "")),
  "url_register" => (!empty($url_register)) ? $site_sess->url($url_register) : $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."register.php"),
  "url_search" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."search.php"),
  "url_lightbox" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."lightbox.php"),
  "url_warenkorb" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."warenkorb.php"), 
  "url_control_panel" => (!empty($url_control_panel)) ? $site_sess->url($url_control_panel) : $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."member.php?action=editprofile"),
  "url_categories" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."categories.php"),
  "url_home" => $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."index.php"),
  "url_login" => (!empty($url_login)) ? $site_sess->url($url_login) : $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."login.php"),
  "url_logout" => (!empty($url_logout)) ? $site_sess->url($url_logout) : $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."logout.php"),
  "url_member" => (!empty($url_member)) ? $site_sess->url($url_member) : $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."member.php"),
  "url_upload" => (!empty($url_upload)) ? $site_sess->url($url_upload) : $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."member.php?action=uploadform"),
  "url_lost_password" => (!empty($url_lost_password)) ? $site_sess->url($url_lost_password) : $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."member.php?action=lostpassword")

if (!empty(
$additional_urls)) {
  $register_array = array();
  foreach ($additional_urls as $key => $val) {
    $register_array[$key] = $site_sess->url($val);

// Replace Globals in $lang
$lang $site_template->parse_array($lang);

  "lang_site_stats" => $lang['site_stats'],
  "lang_registered_user" => $lang['registered_user'],
  "lang_random_image" => $lang['random_image'],
  "lang_categories" => $lang['categories'],
  "lang_sub_categories" => $lang['sub_categories'],
  "lang_new_images" => $lang['new_images'],
  "lang_top_images" => $lang['top_images'],
  "lang_search" => $lang['search'],
  "lang_advanced_search" => $lang['advanced_search'],
  "lang_lightbox" => $lang['lightbox'],
  "lang_warenkorb" => $lang['warenkorb'],  
"lang_register" => $lang['register'],
  "lang_control_panel" => $lang['control_panel'],
  "lang_login" => $lang['login'],
  "lang_auto_login" => $lang['lang_auto_login'],
  "lang_logout" => $lang['logout'],
  "lang_lost_password" => $lang['lost_password'],
  "lang_user_name" => $lang['user_name'],
  "lang_password" => $lang['password'],
  "lang_go" => $lang['go'],
  "lang_images_per_page" => $lang['images_per_page'],
  "charset" => $lang['charset'],
  "direction" => $lang['direction']

//--- Category Dropdown -------------------------------

if (!$cache_enable) {
    $category_dropdown_selfjump get_category_dropdown($cat_id1);
} else {
  $cache_id create_cache_id(

  if (!$category_dropdown_selfjump get_cache_file($cache_id)) {
    // Always append session id if cache is enabled
    $old_session_mode $site_sess->mode;
    $site_sess->mode 'get';

    // Set $cat_id to 0 to ensure that no category is selected
    $category_dropdown_selfjump get_category_dropdown(01);

    $site_sess->mode $old_session_mode;



// -------------------------------------
if (!$cache_enable) {
    $category_dropdown_form $site_template->parse_template("category_dropdown_form");
} else {
  $cache_id create_cache_id(
      // $cat_id, // uncomment if the current category should be selected, will increase the number of cache files

  if (!$category_dropdown_form get_cache_file($cache_id)) {
    // Always append session id if cache is enabled
    $old_session_mode $site_sess->mode;
    $site_sess->mode 'get';

    $category_dropdown_form $site_template->parse_template("category_dropdown_form");

    $site_sess->mode $old_session_mode;



//--- Random Image ------------------------------------
$random_image = (defined("SHOW_RANDOM_IMAGE") && SHOW_RANDOM_IMAGE == 0) ? "" get_random_image();

//--- Shop System -------------------------------------
function FormatPrice ($nPrice

   //--- Format Zahlen  ------------------------
   $nPrice number_format($nPrice"2"".""'"); 
   return $nPrice

$kunde $user_info['user_id']; 

//--- Set Paging Vars ---------------------------------
if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['setperpage'])) {
  $setperpage intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['setperpage']);
  if ($setperpage) {
    $session_info['perpage'] = $setperpage;

if (isset(
$session_info['perpage'])) {
  $perpage $session_info['perpage'];
else {
  $perpage ceil($config['default_image_rows'] * $config['image_cells']);

//--- Set Perpage Dropdown ----------------------------
$setperpage_dropdown "\n<select name=\"setperpage\" class=\"setperpageselect\">\n";
$i 1$i <= $config['custom_row_steps']; $i++) {
  $setvalue $config['image_cells'] * $i;
  $setperpage_dropdown .= "<option value=\"".$setvalue."\"";
    if ($setvalue == $perpage) {
    $setperpage_dropdown .= " selected=\"selected\"";
  $setperpage_dropdown .= ">";
  $setperpage_dropdown .= $setvalue;
  $setperpage_dropdown .= "</option>\n";
$setperpage_dropdown .= "</select>\n";
if (
$cat_id != 0) {
  $setperpage_dropdown .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cat_id\" value=\"".$cat_id."\" />\n";
if (isset(
$show_result) && $show_result == 1) {
  $setperpage_dropdown .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"show_result\" value=\"1\" />\n";
$setperpage_dropdown_form $site_template->parse_template("setperpage_dropdown_form");


//--- Add & Delete from Lists ------------------------- 
if ($action == "addtolightbox" && $id) { 
  if ($user_info['user_level'] >= GUEST) { 
    $msg_color = (add_to_lightbox($id)) ? 0
    $msg = (add_to_lightbox($id)) ? $lang['lightbox_add_success'] : $lang['lightbox_add_error']; 
  else { 
    $msg $lang['lightbox_register']; 

if (
$action == "removefromlightbox" && $id) { 
  if ($user_info['user_level'] >= GUEST) { 
    $msg_color = (remove_from_lightbox($id)) ? 0
    $msg = (remove_from_lightbox($id)) ? $lang['lightbox_remove_success'] : $lang['lightbox_remove_error']; 
  else { 
    $msg $lang['lightbox_register']; 

if (
$action == "clearlightbox") { 
  if ($user_info['user_level'] >= GUEST) { 
    $msg_color = (clear_lightbox()) ? 0
    $msg = (clear_lightbox()) ? $lang['lightbox_delete_success'] : $lang['lightbox_delete_error']; 
  else { 
    $msg $lang['lightbox_register']; 

if (
$action == "addtowarenkorb" && $id) { 

//---17.03.05---Layout gemäss Usergroup----
  $usergroups = array();
//--Ende---17.03.05---Layout gemäss Usergroup----  

  if ($user_info['user_level'] >= USER) { 
    $msg = (add_to_warenkorb($id)) ? $lang['warenkorb_add_success'] : $lang['warenkorb_add_error']; 

//---17.03.05---Layout gemäss Usergroup----    
   $current_time time();
  $sql "SELECT group_id  
          FROM "
          WHERE user_id = "
          AND groupmatch_startdate <= 
          AND (groupmatch_enddate > 
$current_time OR groupmatch_enddate = 0)";
  $result $site_db->query($sql);

  while ($row $site_db->fetch_array($result)) {
    $usergroups[$row['group_id']] = true;
//--Ende---17.03.05---Layout gemäss Usergroup----  

  else { 
    $msg $lang['warenkorb_register']; 

if (
$action == "removefromwarenkorb" && $id) { 
  if ($user_info['user_level'] >= USER) { 
    $msg = (remove_from_warenkorb($id)) ? $lang['warenkorb_remove_success'] : $lang['warenkorb_remove_error']; 
  else { 
    $msg $lang['warenkorb_register']; 

if (
$action == "anzahlverkleinernwarenkorb" && $id) { 
  if ($user_info['user_level'] >= USER) { 
    $msg = (anzahl_verkleinern_warenkorb($id)) ? $lang['anzahl_verkleinern_success'] : $lang['warenkorb_remove_error']; 
  else { 
    $msg $lang['warenkorb_register']; 

if (
$action == "clearwarenkorb") { 
  if ($user_info['user_level'] >= USER) { 
    $msg = (clear_warenkorb()) ? $lang['warenkorb_delete_success'] : $lang['warenkorb_delete_error']; 
  else { 
    $msg $lang['warenkorb_register']; 

//--- Save Rating -------------------------------------
if ($action == "rateimage" && $id) {
  $rating intval($HTTP_POST_VARS['rating']);
  $cookie_name = (defined("COOKIE_NAME")) ? COOKIE_NAME "4images_";
  $cookie_rated = isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookie_name.'rated']) ? unserialize(stripslashes($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$cookie_name.'rated'])) : array();
  if ($rating && $rating <= MAX_RATING && $id) {
    if (!isset($session_info['rated_imgs'])) {
      $session_info['rated_imgs'] = $site_sess->get_session_var("rated_imgs");
    $split_list = array();
    if (!empty($session_info['rated_imgs'])) {
      $split_list explode(" "$session_info['rated_imgs']);
    if (!in_array($id$split_list) && !in_array($id$cookie_rated)) {
      $session_info['rated_imgs'] .= " ".$id;
      $session_info['rated_imgs'] = trim($session_info['rated_imgs']);
      $cookie_rated[] = $id;
      $cookie_expire time() + 60 60 24 4;
      setcookie($cookie_name.'rated'serialize($cookie_rated), $cookie_expireCOOKIE_PATHCOOKIE_DOMAINCOOKIE_SECURE);
      $msg $lang['voting_success'];
    else {
      $msg $lang['already_voted'];
  else {
    $msg $lang['voting_error'];

//--- Warenkorb Summen --------- 
$sql "SELECT sum( w.image_quantity * i.price_1+i.price_2 ) AS total_price 
WHERE image_active = 1 
AND w.user_id = "
AND i.image_id = w.warenkorb_image_id"

$result $site_db->query_firstrow($sql); 
$total_sum $result['total_price']; 
$porto $config['porto']; 
$bearbeitung $config['bearbeitung']; 
$sum_porto_bear_t = ($total_sum $porto $bearbeitung); 
$sum_porto_bear FormatPrice ($sum_porto_bear_t); 
$total_sum FormatPrice ($total_sum); 
$porto FormatPrice ($config['porto']); 
$bearbeitung FormatPrice ($config['bearbeitung']); 
$sql "SELECT sum( w.image_quantity) AS total_images_sum 
WHERE image_active = 1 
AND w.user_id = "
AND i.image_id = w.warenkorb_image_id"

$result $site_db->query_firstrow($sql); 
$total_images_sum $result['total_images_sum']; 
"total_sum" => $total_sum
"total_images_sum" => $total_images_sum
"bearbeitung" => $bearbeitung
"sum_porto_bear" => $sum_porto_bear
"porto" => $porto 

//--- User Box ----------------------------------------
if ($user_info['user_level'] >= USER) {
  $site_template->register_vars("lang_loggedin_msg"preg_replace("/".$site_template->start."loggedin_user_name".$site_template->end."/siU"$user_info['user_name'], $lang['lang_loggedin_msg']));
  $user_box $site_template->parse_template("user_logininfo");
    "user_box" => $user_box,
"lang_warenkorb" => $lang['warenkorb'], 
  "bestellung" => $bestellung
  "total_images_sum" => $total_images_sum
  "total_sum" => $total_sum

"user_loggedin" => 1,
    "user_loggedout" => 0,
    "is_admin" => ($user_info['user_level'] == ADMIN) ? 0
else {
  $user_box $site_template->parse_template("user_loginform");
    "user_box" => $user_box,
    "user_loggedin" => 0,
    "user_loggedout" => 1,
    "is_admin" => 0

//--- User Box 2 ----Fotograf -------------------------
if ($user_info['user_level'] >= USER) {
  $site_template->register_vars("lang_loggedin_msg"preg_replace("/".$site_template->start."loggedin_user_name".$site_template->end."/siU"$user_info['user_name'], $lang['lang_loggedin_msg']));
  $user_box2 $site_template->parse_template("user_logininfo2");
    "user_box2" => $user_box2,
"lang_warenkorb" => $lang['warenkorb'], 
  "bestellung" => $bestellung
  "total_images_sum" => $total_images_sum
  "total_sum" => $total_sum

//--   "user_loggedin" => 1,
    "user_fotograf" => 2,
    "user_loggedout" => 0,
    "is_admin" => ($user_info['user_level'] == ADMIN) ? 0
else {
  $user_box2 $site_template->parse_template("user_loginform2");
    "user_box2" => $user_box2,
//--    "user_loggedin" => 0,
    "user_fotograf" => 2,
    "user_loggedout" => 1,
    "is_admin" => 0

//-----------17.03.05--Layout gemäss Usergroup ----------------
  "is_in_group_photographer" => (isset($usergroups[1])) ? 0

  "is_in_group_photographer" => (isset($usergroups[1])) ? 0

  "is_in_group_customer" => (isset($usergroups[2])) ? 0
//------Ende-----17.03.05--Layout gemäss Usergroup ----------------

//--- Parse Header & Footer ---------------------------
if (isset($main_template) && $main_template) {
  $header $site_template->parse_template("header");
  $footer $site_template->parse_template("footer");
    "header" => $header,
    "footer" => $footer

$menu_fotograf = (file_exists(TEMPLATE_PATH."/images_menu_fotograf.html")) ? $site_template->parse_template("images_menu_fotograf") : ""

$menu_kunde = (file_exists(TEMPLATE_PATH."/images_menu_kunde.html")) ? $site_template->parse_template("images_menu_kunde") : ""

$footer_kunde = (file_exists(TEMPLATE_PATH."/images_footer_kunde.html")) ? $site_template->parse_template("images_footer_kunde") : ""

Thank you for your help!


Hi SantaZ

Ich habe den Shop installiert. Und eigentlich funktioniert alles.
Das einzige was mich stört ist, dass ich ein Bild erst bestellen kann, wenn ich das Bild in die Lightbox abgelegt haben.
Das heisst, der Button "Bestellen" wird erst angezeigt, wenn der Button "Lightbox" aktiv ist.
Ich hätte lieber, dass der Kunde ein Foto bestellen kann, ohne dass das Bild vorher in die Lightbox abgelegt werden muss.


Hi V@no

Everything is perfect!
I had a permission problem (safe_mode).

The picture is copied in the folder "original" and key / description is stored in the database!

Thank you for this MOD.


Perfect! Thank you Chris.


Yes, I know, but how can I do that for the entry-page?
If you enter in your address-field of your browser, index.php will be executed.
How can I define, that "index.php?template=home_index" should be executed?

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