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Messages - TIMT

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Hi everybody

What do I have to do for placing the following Link
Code: [Select]
{if url_show_user_lightbox}<A href="{url_show_user_lightbox}">{lang_show_user_lightbox}</a>{endif url_show_user_lightbox}in the ACP "Modify User", in the Option-Sections (like modify, delete, permissions, usergroup)?

This feature would help me.


Hi everybody

When I release a new image, the original image is copied to the folder "big".
The original image is shown by clicking on the image.

I'd like to show instead of the original image the same image again in a new windows by clicking the image. Just without all the details.

In my opinion, I have just to change a path of the location of the image... but how do I have to make that modifications?

Now I delete the original file and copy the image from ./data/media/nr/ to ./data/media/nr/big by hand. That is not very comfortable.

Thank you for helping me!!


So do I have to tell aoubt the problem to my provider?

Hi everybody

When I save a specific  image with keywords, then I get the following message.

DB Error: Bad SQL Query: INSERT INTO 4images_wordmatch (image_id, word_id, name_match, desc_match, keys_match) SELECT DISTINCT 126, word_id, 0, 0, 1 FROM 4images_wordlist WHERE word_text = 'café'
Duplicate entry '126-2666' for key 1
Bild erfolgreich hinzugefügt: more time for living (IMG_4934.jpg)

I have a Keyword "cafe" and "café". Is that the problem?

Thank you for helping me.


I have implemented the following MOD

Categories upload dropddown form

What do I have to do, that the categoriy is not displayed on the index-page (where all categories are shown), when I have definded in the permissions "Upload YES / See category NO"?

Thanks for helping me


 :(  nobody here who can help me?   :(

...  :(  nobody here who can help me???   :(

I guess it wont be a big thing to change the directory... anybody who can help me???

Thank you...

Chit Chat / CGI
« on: May 05, 2005, 09:31:43 AM »
Hi everybody

View days ago, I read some information about cgi. I've never heard before something about cgi.

Is cgi used in images4? And when not, why is it not used? What is the advantage using cgi or not using cgi?

Thank you for answering me.


Great MOD!

How can I change the directory ./big?

In fact, I'd like to show the picture located in /data/media/nr, only in a new window without details information... just the picture.
So I don't need a the original picture or a copy of the original picurte. I want to show the same picture in details and in the new windows without details informations
I think, the only thing is, I have to modify the path.

Thank you for helping me.


Tutorials / Re: [Tutorial] Making additional field searchable
« on: April 29, 2005, 04:53:37 PM »
Thank you Jan!
Once more... great support.   :D


Tutorials / Re: [Tutorial] Making additional field searchable
« on: April 29, 2005, 03:35:24 PM »
I have the mentioned line replaced with the following code :

Code: [Select]
WHERE ".get_user_table_field("", "user_name")." LIKE '$search_user' OR ".get_user_table_field("", "user_vorname")." LIKE '$search_user' OR ".get_user_table_field("", "user_name2")." LIKE '$search_user'";
user_vorname and user_name2 are the fields in the database.

when I enter a value in the search field for "search user" I get the following message:

DB Error: Bad SQL Query: SELECT user_id FROM 4images_users WHERE user_name LIKE 'serge' OR LIKE 'serge' OR LIKE 'serge'
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIKE 'serge' OR LIKE 'serge'' at line 4

What did I wrong?

When I delete the following code (regarding point 1.2), all the information about the user pic isn't displayed anymore on the memberprofile.

Code: [Select]
//User Pic
    "userpic_allowed" => $config['userpic'],
    "userpic_img" => ($user_info['userpic']) ? ROOT_PATH."data/userpic/".$user_info['userpic'] : "",
    "lang_userpic_del" => $lang['userpic_del'],
    "lang_userpic_upload" => preg_replace("/".$site_template->start."userpic_max_size".$site_template->end."/siU", $config['userpic_size']."&nbsp;".$lang['kb'], preg_replace("/".$site_template->start."userpic_max_width".$site_template->end."/siU", $config['userpic_width'], preg_replace("/".$site_template->start."userpic_max_height".$site_template->end."/siU", $config['userpic_height'], $lang['userpic_upload']))),
    "userpic_max_width" => $config['userpic_width'],
    "userpic_max_height" => $config['userpic_height'],
    "userpic_max_size" => $config['userpic_size']."&nbsp;".$lang['kb'],
//End User Pic

But I have entered the values fix in main.php (hardcoded), instead of the variables. That is ok for me.

Thank's anyway

Tutorials / Re: [Tutorial] Making additional field searchable
« on: April 28, 2005, 05:43:57 PM »
Can you post the code? That would be great!! 

Hi everybody

The tags {userpic_max_size}, {userpic_max_width} and {userpic_max_height} are not interpreted on my homepage.
That means, there is no value displayed.

Thats the code in my main.php

Code: [Select]
$lang['userpic_upload'] = "Maximum Filegrösse: {userpic_max_size}.<br />Bilder grösser {userpic_max_width}x{userpic_max_height} werden in der Grösse angepasst";
What did I wrong?

Please let me now, if you need more informations.
Thank you for helping me.


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