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Messages - bag53

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Discussion & Troubleshooting / "Top Images" or "Top Bilder" link missin
« on: August 07, 2002, 09:25:48 AM »
There must be more language variables not defined in the english language pack. My statistics page containes no titles. Surf to /top.php on my website to see what I mean.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / "Top Images" or "Top Bilder" link missin
« on: August 07, 2002, 09:21:49 AM »
I fixed it. The problem wasn't missing text. I copied this right from home.html:

Code: [Select]
<a href="{url_top_images}"><b>{lang_top_images}</b>

The problem was {lang_top_images} was not defined in lang/english/main.php. The variable contained no text. I added

Code: [Select]
$lang['top_images'] = "Top images";

to lang/english/main.php, and it works now.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / "Top Images" or "Top Bilder" link missin
« on: August 07, 2002, 07:33:43 AM »
I private messaged you my website URL.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / "Top Images" or "Top Bilder" link missin
« on: August 06, 2002, 07:53:19 AM »
I was bouncing around the 4images website and I checked out the Live Demo. I noticed that there is a "Top Images" link up by the "New Images" link. Clicking this link takes you to a stats screen that shows the most popular images by rating, downloads, hits, etc.

This link on my website is not there. How can I fix this?

yes, it is a pain that admin's have to do all the work. unless you want you give your contributors FTP access (umm, no.) i haven't had anyone upload pics to my site so i haven't had too much problems with that aspect.

it is a cool feature for wallpapers and such. who would want to display a 1600x1200 file in their website?

you can already show one size online and have a different size available for download. Let's say your online image is 450 px wide and you want people to download the original file is 1600 px wide.

In the image edit screen there is a download url text box. Put in the url of the original sized file here and everytime someone dowloads this image they will get the big file.

Mine is a web log script. Or blog script. Where I have daily news posts. I origionally put my include statements in index.php and all my news posts appeared outside 4images' table. I then put them in home.html and I get MySQL errors.

I am not having a good time getting my weblog script to play nice with 4images. The script I use is b2. Does anyone know a PHP weblog script that will work with 4images?

I am currently running a PHP weblog script on my site and I want to insert it between the Catagories table and the New Images table. I have created the new table in home.html and included the weblog php files in index.php. My log appears outside of 4images. I can send you a link by email if you need to see what I mean. Is there anyway to get 4images to include the necessary weblog files correctly? Here the code I changed:

Code: [Select]
//--- Show Categories ---------------------------------
$categories = get_categories(0);
if (!$categories)  {
  $categories = $lang['no_categories'];
$site_template->register_vars("categories", $categories);

//-- // Weblog Includes --------------------------
$blog = 1;
$cat = "3+4+6+8+10";

//--- Show New Images ---------------------------------

How can I include external PHP files into 4images?

Feedback & Suggestions / A Few Small Questions
« on: July 09, 2002, 08:00:19 AM »
The picture validation is working now. Not sure what the problem was. I think I may have had some problems with my server and not the script.

Thanks for the help and thank-you for this wonderful script!

Feedback & Suggestions / A Few Small Questions
« on: July 08, 2002, 08:51:43 PM »

This works. THe problem was there was no "Private" option in the pull-down menu in the Edit Screen of the catagories. There was just:

(Blank Space)
Registered User
(Blank Space)

I figured out one of the blank spaces is supposed to be "Private".


Do you know why the Picture Validation (user uploaded image preview) won't work? It will find the files users have uploaded, but it does not display them and I can not do anything to them. I can send you a screen-shot if you like.

Feedback & Suggestions / A Few Small Questions
« on: July 08, 2002, 07:45:00 PM »
Where do you set the permissions to "Private"? I can't find it.

Feedback & Suggestions / A Few Small Questions
« on: July 08, 2002, 09:11:38 AM »
I figured out how to add usergroups, but now the new groups I added do not show up in the category permissions (just Registered User and Admin).

Feedback & Suggestions / A Few Small Questions
« on: July 08, 2002, 08:46:20 AM »
After filling in the gaps in the english language pack I am finally understanding this script. I have to say "Well done!" and "Thanks!".

Now, what is the "Check New Images" option in the Admin Control Panel? I've clicked on it and did every possible combination of catagories I could think of and it still comes up "No new images found".

What is the user permissions page for? Click on "Edit Users" and click on the far right link under "Options" next to a users name. I get a grid showing all the users along the left and different persmissions on top. Are there supposed to be check boxes in the grid?

How do I add more user groups? Is this feature not included in the free version?

The picture validation (between "Add Images" and "Check New Images") doesn't display any images even though it finds some.

Thanks for your help!

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