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Messages - SunnyUK

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My 4images is installed in a subdirectory \photo under my web root. Does the script assume that 4images was installed in the root of the website?

I (now) have rebuild_searchindex.php in the admin/plugins folder. When I go into the 4images admin console, I can see "Rebuild Search Index" as an option under PlugIns in the left hand column. When I click on that, I get just a blank window in the right hand side - there is no user interaction at all.

Sorry! I logged out of 4images control panel and back in again, and now I can see the rebuild scripts. But when I click on either of them, nothing happens... And when I go into the normal search screen, I get a blank window (which is probably caused by the rebuild not having been run).

Any idea about what I should check when nothing happens in reply to clicking the rebuild script?

Forgive me for asking questions in English in a thread that's completely in German. I can remember enough German from school nearly 30 years ago, but not enough to write it.

I managed to follow the instructions and got to the last point about running the rebuild_searchindex.php and rebuild_iptcindex.php. HOW / WHERE do I run these? I cannot find an option in the 4images control panel, nor in my myPhpadmin panel for mySql.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: 4images 1.7.6 - Feedback
« on: May 26, 2008, 10:48:04 PM »
Just a quick note to say I downloaded 1.7.6 yesterday and had it up and running soon after. It does so much of what I wanted from a web gallery, and now I'm busy searching the forum to see if other people have developed mods for the additional functionality I was hoping for. But anyway... just a quick note to say THANK YOU for an awesome piece of software!

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