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Messages - skidpics

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Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / auto add album when registering
« on: October 09, 2007, 03:18:52 AM »
How can we auto add an album automatically based on registration name and under a set category with preset settings when the user registers??

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Additional User Profile Fields
« on: October 09, 2007, 02:50:10 AM »
3. ...

Honestly, the search returns not much of anything about this issue..  just  bunch of threads with instructions to search.  The second link, however, might be more useful, but I do not understand it. Does anyone have  good link to to resolve this issue?  I probably should be an additional feature added to the admin settings menu, for future use.  Can anyone shed some light on how to do this?

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Add more fields..
« on: October 09, 2007, 02:23:49 AM »
See "includes/db_field_definitions.php" and

This works the same way for user fields.


That link does not work.  Did you move it?

This MOD is awesome!  Thanks!

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Changing Category View
« on: October 09, 2007, 01:59:36 AM »
Hi skidpics,

your request is for your page:

Here you can find support for 4images gallery  :!:
Not coppermine gallery...:wink:

=> And sorry, but your fullsize ads are bad


Took the full size ads off - I forgot to do that the other day. I am very well aware I run a coppermine site, but I am also running a skidpics beta using 4images at  Regardless, I never references my site in this case, I just wanted to redo the category listing as it is by default...  I am tweaking 4images before I go live on the site with it..

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Changing Category View
« on: October 08, 2007, 12:53:34 PM »
How can I change the caregory view to something like this is a column of 4, for title, description, number of albums within and number of photos contained:

   Entertainment Skidpics Entertainment provides a stage for members to upload and share their personal pictures and videos in albums in a variety of areas including music, celebritites, tv and movies, digital art, fantasy art and theater. members can download pictures and images for screensavers and wallpapers, share pictures in personal photo messages or ecards and connect with each other or hotlink to them for use in myspace, facebook or forums.   Number of albums 11    Number of total images 935
   Outdoor Skidpics Outdoors provides a stage for members to upload and share their personal albums and photos in a variety of areas including beaches, sunsets, waterfall, wildlife, scenery and nature. Members can download photos and images for screensavers and wallpapers, share photos in personal photo messages or ecards and connect with each other.   Number of albums 19    Number of total images 1220
   Good Times Skidpics Good Times provides a stage for members to upload and share their personal albums and photos in a variety of areas including college parties, sororities, greek life, halloween, spring break, and swimsuits.   Number of albums 14    Number of total images 62

I see the mod at:  to make a pop up for unregistered users.

Is there a way to make the scroll image filename state (the one that 'pops up' when you scroll across the images) state 'Register to View Image" on unregistered users, if they are not allowed to view the images?

in the index file, there is $num_new_images, which controls the number of new images on the home page, and if installed, the number of random images displayed.  How can we make this an admin setting under the settings tab?  I would figure it would be integrated into the 'image settings', something that would ask, how many images would you like to show on the main page? 

any idea to make it like a film strip??

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Re: Random pictures
« on: October 05, 2007, 04:15:35 PM »
How would you include it into the home.html calling it via a require?

I like to my addons to be included, rather than copy / pasted into the template files.  This makes it easier to keep up with.

I am having a bit of a problem getting the random block to work like this.

Here is what I have in a random_image.php file:

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="head1">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
  <td class="head1" valign="top">{lang_random_image}</td>
<td class="head1">{random_images}</td>

Here is how I am trying to call it in the home.html template page: 

 require "{template_url}/addons/random_image.php";

The code works if I paste it directly, but calling it as 'require' does not.. I want it working more like a 'plugin' style, to keep the code clean..

So, is this for any mod you want to add to 4images, or just headers, footers and sides?

I post solution soon. ;)

Good deal!  editing  templates is a task, and it would be so nice if 4images applies these via a plug-in manner that coppermine does with some...

I do different. I no edit each HTML template files for content. I code with one static layout. You need modify includes/template.php file for speed task. ;)

I can understand that, but unless you know some coding, the instructions for every mod is to add to this and that file.  How do you edit just based in one file then?

I did see that mod, but I don't want anything in my head and footers - it takes away from the main template of the site unless you make it to match exactly.  I would rather have it show in the spot I wanted it to show.  I will check the mod out to see if it suits my needs.  I would hate to have to go through each and every file to add my banner link, as I am still evaluating the software to see if it suits my needs over coppermine and photopost.  Too many tweaks in one template does not allow much to another, which is a painless task of re-editing , and particularly to edit what you remember you edited the first time.  thanks for the help!

In all HTML templates (include {header} and {footer} one), look for: {site_name}. ;)

True, for some files, but the category pages do not include {site_name} . Is there no common file that loads all the content within the theme, such as home, categories and albums?  Or, which file is utilized to load the categories and albums? It does not appear to be home.html, since {site_name} is shown in that one..

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