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Messages - drastx

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Hey :)

I tried this one, and it doesn't work - don't show anything (in cp too) :|
I have 1.7.2 version of 4images.

I need this mod working  :oops:

Thats exacly what i'm searching for.
I'll try this one.
Thx  :wink: :wink:

Templates & Styles (Requests & Discussions) / Re: How to create a template?
« on: February 07, 2007, 08:10:56 PM »
It's possible, downliad some templates, fit it to your site...
Check header/footer in template, and boxes.
We can't write you simple solution :)


I have link like this:

So it's

How can i change this into
tapety/resplendent_ether.htm or tapety-resplendent_ether.htm

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Search Statistics v1.2
« on: February 07, 2007, 04:23:33 PM »
Cmon, i really need this one! ;)

Damn, you're so chaotic...

Try to use .htaccess  :!: :!:

... this is not a mod ... this is a request ... !
Ok, sry and thanks ;)

I want to resctrict GUESTS for viewing for example 30 images per 24h and after 30 he will see info "You have watched 30 files, please log in".
And no restrictions for USERS (admins). :twisted:

I don't think this work with out alot of work or maybe additional mods.
Why I say this is if each guest views 1 file, then the 31st guest would be told they have already seen 30 files since each visitor is not tracked by IP and of course guests do not have to log in.
You would have to track IP's of each visit of every person and then have a daily reset so it can start all over.
I think you would be looking for problems doing it this way. Not to mention the work just to get what you want could be an issue as well.

I wish to use cookies :P

Hi  :)

Where can I find this mod ? 8O
I searched, but didn't found it. 8O

I want to resctrict GUESTS for viewing for example 30 images per 24h and after 30 he will see info "You have watched 30 files, please log in".
And no restrictions for USERS (admins). :twisted:

Thx for help :?

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Simple News Publishing
« on: February 06, 2007, 10:21:33 AM »
hi.. i have problem with this mod 

i'm using this mod, but i'm having some troubles

in the settings i see news settings and now, after a few tries, i don't see the button of save settings. i get this errore
 "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: 1() in /membri/barstazione/cms/admin/settings.php on line 161"
the line in parte is:

line 161 in file setting.php:
 $value_option($setting_name, $config_value);

i'm using italian language and a 4light_gray template

what can i do?

help me...plz!!!!!

I think you did somthing wrong with this parts:

#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------

#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
/*-- Setting-Group 8 --*/
$setting_group[8] = "News";
$news_display_optionlist = array(
  "1" => "Show the last 'X' news",
  "2" => "Show news of the last 'X' days",

$setting['news_home_display'] = "News display mode";
$setting['news_nb'] = "News number";
$setting['news_nb_days'] = "Days number";
$setting['news_cutoff'] = "Number of days each news is marked as new";
$setting['news_html'] = "Allow HTML in news";
$setting['news_bbcode'] = "Allow BB-Code in news";
$setting['news_bbcodeimg'] = "Allow images (BB-Code) in news";

#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------

#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------
/*-- Setting-Group 8 --*/
$setting_group[8] = "Nouvelles";
$news_display_optionlist = array(
  "1" => "Afficher les 'X' derničres nouvelles",
  "2" => "Afficher les nouvelles des 'X' derniers jours",

$setting['news_home_display'] = "Mode d'affichage des nouvelles";
$setting['news_nb'] = "Nombre de nouvelles";
$setting['news_nb_days'] = "Nombre de jours";
$setting['news_cutoff'] = "Nombre de jours ou la nouvelle est considérée comme 'nouvelle'";
$setting['news_html'] = "Autoriser le HTML dans les nouvelles";
$setting['news_bbcode'] = "Autoriser le BB-Code dans les nouvelles";
$setting['news_bbcodeimg'] = "Autoriser les images (BB-Code) dans les nouvelles";

#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
show_setting_row("highlight_admin", "radio");

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
show_table_separator($setting_group[8], 2, "#setting_group_8");
show_setting_row("news_home_display", "show_news_display_options");
show_setting_row("news_html", "radio");
show_setting_row("news_bbcode", "radio");
show_setting_row("news_bbcodeimg", "radio");

I think you need to change "$setting_group[8]" to "$setting_group[9]" or "$setting_group[10]".

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Search Statistics v1.2
« on: February 06, 2007, 10:12:13 AM »
V@no we need file  8)

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