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Messages - Bear

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Its easy when you know how  8)

Thank you very much for your reply Acidgod  it was appreciated  :wink:

when i view a users permissions there is nothing in the table to set.
how do i set permissions for a new user group or whats the correct way to set up a new user group.
attached an example.

Is it possible to make an account private for a user as i have a few requests for hosting of private pictures that is for there viewing only.

thank you

Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: Help!
« on: October 23, 2005, 10:39:52 AM »
very nice like the use of media.

Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: Help!
« on: October 23, 2005, 12:46:43 AM »
@ Bear
do use a template by ... ?
yes i do why do you ask??

They are very good and easy to work with, just in the prccess of rebuilding my database/templates but getting there.
As respect for his work & a thank you i have put a link in my menu to his web site. 8)

Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: Help!
« on: October 22, 2005, 11:13:16 PM »
i had this error and found it to be the
Code: [Select]
' ~ ^ ` above the letters

example o'neill.jpg  i renamed the image to oneill.jpg it then created the thumbnail no problem.

I am sure there must be a fix for these things above letters. :?:


Plugins / Re: [Plugin] Notepad in Control Panel
« on: October 22, 2005, 10:55:31 PM »
Sorted by removing white space between these 2 rows
Code: [Select]
<?php // PLUGIN_TITLE: Notepad

$nozip 1;

Code: [Select]
<?php // PLUGIN_TITLE: Notepad
$nozip 1;

Working great now
thanks again

its just that due to my previous problems with getting it to except password i wanted phpmtadmin to launch into a new browser when i clicked the phpmyadmin link.

thanks for your reply  :D

just having another look at this, can any one tell me how when i click the link for phpmyadmin make phpmyadmin page popup into a seperate page instead of loading within the ACP.

thank you

nice mod
thanks for sharing

tried refreshing and still the same, tried a diffrent browser also.

its only when you try and login when phpmyadmin is inside 4images ACP, not a major problem but just trying to figure out whats different and why it does not except a pass/password when in the ACP.


What are the settings in your phpmyadmin? they have 3 or 4 different types of login process: through config, cookies, or other authorisation processes...
Which one is yours?
i am sure its cookies
thanks for your reply

useful mod and working great thank you.  8)

just one thing when i try to login to phpmyadmin while in the 4images ACP, it wont let me login or except my pass/password.
just reverts back to the phpmyadmin login page again. :(

transfer the phpmyadmin link to my browser and i can login straight away, any one know why this is ???

Thanks again

Templates & Styles (Requests & Discussions) / Re: HoRoZzŠ Templates
« on: October 14, 2005, 12:08:37 AM »
thank you

Installation, Update & Configuration / Re: FileType Prblem
« on: October 13, 2005, 11:52:41 PM »
unzip and upload to  templates\default\media  or what ever template you are using.

add psd in acp/settings/upload settings/Valid file extensions.


Plugins / Re: [Plugin] Notepad in Control Panel
« on: October 12, 2005, 03:23:07 PM »
Worked a treat after changing route path.

using as i have 2 admin on board.
Thank you

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