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Messages - bunelul

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Feedback & Suggestions / Re: postcards sent to "yahoo bulk folder"
« on: July 10, 2006, 09:27:58 AM »

Nobody here?

ok, reformulating:

1. how to change properly the "From" field in the header of the postcard sent mail (there is wrote by default the e-mail of the person sending postcard)? I want to change it to the site admin e-mail to prevent filtering to bulk folder on yahoo (possible others) mail system...
2. how to include in the title and body of the "sent postcard mail" the e-mail address of the sender?


Feedback & Suggestions / postcards sent to "yahoo bulk folder"
« on: July 07, 2006, 11:31:58 AM »

I`ve noticed that postcards sent to yahoo are not seen in most of cases. After investigation I noticed that all postcards sent to an yahoo mail account are filtered to bulk folder. Personally, almost never read the bulk folder from yahoo, and i`m not alone  :D . However, if the postcard is seen, e-mail notifications sent to yahoo accounts are not filtered in bulk folder. As long as more than 80% of visitors from my site are using yahoo to send e-mails i`m loosing a lot of people to enjoy postcards sent by their friends.

Useful info:  using 4images 1.7.1 with postcard notification

My suppose here:
1. emails get filtered because the mail header data (return-path) are not the same with "from" filed.
2. more?

My point here:
when sending postcard: to send it from my server, with all data on the header and "from" filed the same, and in the subject, text area to indicate clear who sent the postcard.

I think at this time i need your help to figure this out for testing, or to find another working solution.


You must have installed two versions of Step 2.2
You should use only one of them.

P.S. I've updated original post and added color to these steps, should be less confusing now :)

Thanks for fast replay, Vano

Just want to let you know i`ve reversed to backup and installed again, now it printed on the page (clickstream) page 2 / page 2 with same in the url.
Now, for a while i`ve decided not to use this MOD.

Thank you.


Ok, i installed this mod but now i have this url-s from clickstrean: categories.php?cat_id=19&page=4&page=4 and can`t figure out what is wrong...
Could somebody enlight me?


Chit Chat / Re: How many uniques are you making??
« on: May 27, 2006, 02:12:54 PM »
how do i find out how many unique i have?  :(

hi, Vincent

You could place a counter ,
or paid one,
or analize your server logs.

Chit Chat / Re: How many uniques are you making??
« on: May 27, 2006, 12:03:53 PM »
ooh by the way my site recive about 21.000 uniques per day
runs on a dual xeon 2.8 Ghz  and 2 Gb of RAM
the site has been online since feb 2006


I`m moving to a dedicated server right now - in fact of this could you share here php, MySQL, zend versions you`re using?



As i was searching on the forum for more than 2 hours for a solution for displaying new images on home page horizontally and i`ve found here the solution:

Code: [Select]
$num_new_images = 10;
$config['image_cells'] = 1;
after this you have to edit your thumbnail_bit.html template to show the list more eye friendly  :D

In fact of this i`ll try to add here few more keywords:

display new images listings horizontally on home page... 

:lol: (At least these words/combinations of words i`ve been using searching and reading 4images forums).

Thanks, Jan for your solution!

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Apache crashing
« on: December 06, 2005, 11:22:24 PM »

at this moment no mail from support and, of course no logs, but according to phpinfo they did php upgrade to PHP/4.4.0 and zend engine (downgrade?) to v.1.3.0. The script is stable for last 20 hours, no crashes (at least at this time).

Hopping my problem is closed here, but i`ll post after 1-2 weeks another confirmation of stable working  :)!

Resume of my problem for others:

Apache crashes without reasons.
Php version 4.3.10

Working solution: php upgrade to 4.4.0, with zend 1.3.0

Many thanks to all and especially to Vano for his fast feed back and support.

Have fun!

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Apache crashing
« on: December 06, 2005, 12:30:42 AM »

Thanks for replaying, Vano!

Just finished the discussion with support and let them know about this thread, also asked to investigate properly the problem and to send by mail the logs. As soon as i`ll get them - i`ll post here. \
Also, the support said they didnt applied any patch to Zend.

Have a good night! (my time now is 1.30 am  :()

Bye for now.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Apache crashing
« on: December 05, 2005, 11:56:41 PM »
Hello all

Especially to Vano: my problem persists, what do you think about this: ? Could be hidden here my problem?



Only 2 questions regarding this mode:

1. Is possible to print on the title search string like: " keyword / search / site_title " ?
2. On 2 different sites the same happens on
on the title is printed
...a href="./categories.php?cat_id=nn" class="clickstream">category_title</a>&nbsp;/&nbsp;Upload Image&nbsp;/&nbsp; Site_title...

Could somebody help me?
On The rest of pages the dinamic title page works well.



I can`t imagine nobody knows about these questions. Please, if someone can figure out how to print on the title line Search_keyword \ ... \ Site_title  - help me.
The second question i`ve solved by removing {header} from template and adding all head info needed, on the member.html template.

Beside this, want to say you, this small problems can`t shadow the great image of 4 images script.

Thanks all for it and best regards!

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Apache crashing
« on: November 30, 2005, 08:19:57 PM »
Vano, thanks for your replay.

You know, i can`t figure out what caused the crashings, but for sure is not because of some corupted files. I suppose i`ve created some script problems trying to install and then uninstalling mods like voted saved in database. Today, in fact of hosting requests, i`ve deleted everything and instaled again from the start. also all needed mods (8) installed on the fly, which is GREAT SPPED :-) for me.
Whant to say after a hard working day i`m satisfied 4 images runs more faster and no more apace problems.

THANKS for your support. Your a nice man.


P.S. Also thanks to 4images script for having backup options and thanks for me for creating database backups regularly. :-))

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Apache crashing
« on: November 30, 2005, 01:40:05 PM »
Hello, Vano

i just want to let you know that in fact of persistent problems i`ve removed old instalation and did a new instalation without mods. In fact of this there is not more need for help on this case, may be just for a notice that this could happen.

Thank you very much.

Have fun!

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: Apache crashing
« on: November 30, 2005, 09:22:41 AM »
Hello, Vano

Thanks for your Replay. I will try to answer your questions step by step:

1.  I`ve got only this lines from support: [Tue Nov 29 13:17:12 2005] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down.

2. FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE-p11

3. at the same time max. 30 online visitors. But, i noticed that apache crash (with 404 error on browser) is not associated with the number of online visitors. it is crashing at 5-10 also.

4. 4 images 1.7.1 with MySQL 4.0.24-standard.

5. I`ve installed (last 30 days): "votes saved on database", "postcard notify" and some more, i`ll list soon today, right now cant remember them.

6. I`ve sent PM with php info.

Thanks again.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Apache crashing
« on: November 29, 2005, 10:12:32 PM »

recently I`ve moved my 4images to a new host. For last 3-5 days I`ve got a big problem: apache crashing and restarting often (1-2 times/hour, may be more).

Server info: Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) PHP/4.3.10
I`ve tried searching forum - it seems nobody got this problem before.
planning to roll back 1 month before backup but I don't want this because I`ll loose a lot of MODs.

Could 4images GURUs to help to solve this?

Thank you!!!

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