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Messages - Gulper

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Well, I'm using an avatar mod, that I can not find anymore in the forum.... so guess I'm a bit lost with that then!? :(

Installed dreamboard and the avatar mod. Now I would like to also see the avatar in posts in dreamboard... how can I do this?
And as dreamboard also comes with basic smileys... how can I use the {smiles} function used in the board (for example in boardform_topic.html) in the comment_form.html?.... guess I have to somehow include a php file?

Plugins / Re: [Plugin] Rebuild Search Index
« on: May 28, 2005, 11:48:26 PM »
Thanx! It wokes now! :)

All of these pages.... maybe it's because of all of them having the random image displayed!? How can I exclude a specific gallery from random image to test it?

No, no remote files... everything is stored locally in the data/media folder.... so that can't cause the problem....
Only using small videoclips do also slow down the galery... but not as much as large files... so having 5 clips a 5 MB makes the site load in 6 seconds... having 5 clips a 20 MB makes the loding time much longer....

Discussion & Troubleshooting / 4images slowing down dramatically
« on: May 19, 2005, 12:02:17 PM »
As soon as I've added some mpeg videos, the gallery slows down dramatically. Seems like the program can not really handle video files!? Is there a patch to avoid this slowdowns?
If I remove the videos, the gallery is fast again....
Slowdown grows proprtionally to the amount of video files.... like 2 videos make the website come up after 2 seconds.... 5 videos make the website come up after 10 seconds.... aso.... videos are about 20 MB in size..
Mini-top and POTD are installed.... this might also cause aditional heavy load when opening pages with mini-top or potd being displayed!?
Has anyone experience with that? I really need to speed that up....

Can someone write a mod that allows me to assign a date to a gallery/category upon creation so that the gallery/category stays hidden and invisible for everyone and system tools like "pic of tha day" untill the given date is reached.... After that the gallery/category becomes visible to everyone and the system tools.

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