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Messages - haider512

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well i dont know about your method never did try...
i usually go export the .sql file from the phpmyadmin in cpanel..

which one is better i dont know..but i guess mine works for me all time with other scripts..dont know yet about 4images..

well i made a backup today..and uploading to new server..

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Moving to new server?? help..what to do??
« on: December 19, 2010, 11:57:45 PM »
got a new server and domain for my self..

i moved all files to new server. and uploaded the database too..

i configured the config.php and uploaded it to root directory where is supposed to be..

now what to do..did i miss something???

or do i need to do chmod the files and folders..if so then what files and folders i do chmod..

Help needed please..

Looking forward..please...

please check the domain your self for the error im getting now..

reply please...


Man when will i gonna stop doing dump mistakes..

i did every thing..except..i didnt uploaded the sql file downloaded from the previous server..

such a dumb mistake..

its 4:30AM in morning here and im getting very sleepy..thats why i guess i am getting very careless.. the new server and domain is up and running and not to mention faster then previous.. :-)

any one needs hosting at cheaper prices.. im provide cheaphosting..

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Re: CHMOD Settings On New Server
« on: December 19, 2010, 11:44:10 PM »
tell me more about moving my files to new server..
may b it might comes handy to me too..

Many almost solved all my problem for comment too.. i also asked for help..but i asked for help too many times here ..may b thats why helpers got headache from me and didnt replied to topic..lolz...
and to b honest i was so lazy or dumb that i didnt searched on this topic before, and created the topic for help....its good that i searched here..

just recently bought a reseller package for new server..and gonna move all my files to new server and then will gonna set it up there and gonna do editings after that..but now..going to sleep..

but really thanks for this topic/thread.. its very useful..
im bookmarking it..


did little bit changes today... So thankful to cloe cuz he/she started this topic and ultimate thankful to Manurom who solved this issue..

Thanks..but still i cant fix it the way i want..

here is all the coding for left side i get..

td class="commentrow{row_bg_number}" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
a name="comment{comment_id}"></a>
b>{comment_user_name}</b><br />
comment_user_ip}<br /><br /><b>IP:</b> {comment_user_ip}{endif comment_user_ip}

i mean there are other codings too in that file but for left side where avatar and counting and user info are shown ...this is all for that..

now how to do editings in it..
i want to give it a good look..
now where can i find comment_user_info for changing that file..cuz its linked more then one information .and i cant rearrange the data..

i want to put username on top, then below the user level (admin or whatever) then avatar , then user comments counted no, then join date..and one more extra feild that if user have skype or yahoo or msn it shows up there..

so to arrange those i need to know where to start...but i dont even know how to find out what is  {comment_user_info} and how to do arrangements in it..

help me setting up this to better design..


Still looking out for help...Do any one knows how to rearrange their order?

FIXED...Many thanks ...found on forum..some one actually have done that before..

My apologies, it was my misstake. I misspell the setting name in step 2, it's $config['auto_thumbnail'] not $config['auto_thumb']
just re-do Step 2

No Problemo..Awesome Many THanks... great job bro...

its working like a charm now..

Many Many thanks..

copy this in your style.css....

Awesome Kool its working now..Many thanks.. its a link i should b using a with h3..Many thanks..

Keep rocking... :D :D :D :D

do you have this line in includes/upload.php?

    $this->auto_image['thumb'] = $config['auto_thumb'];

If you didn't install v2.0 from the beginning, make sure you follow these steps to update

yes i guess i have installed v2.0..

and as far as i know..this code is in right place..

function Upload() {

$this->max_width['thumb'] = $config['max_thumb_width'];
$this->max_width['media'] = $config['max_image_width'];
$this->max_height['thumb'] = $config['max_thumb_height'];
$this->max_height['media'] = $config['max_image_height'];
$this->auto_image['media'] = $config['auto_image'];
$this->auto_image['thumb'] = $config['auto_thumb'];
$this->max_width['avatar'] = $config['avatar_width'];
$this->max_height['avatar'] = $config['avatar_height'];

$this->max_size['thumb'] = $config['max_thumb_size'] * 1024;
$this->max_size['media'] = $config['max_media_size'] * 1024;
$this->max_size['avatar'] = 99999999999;

$this->upload_mode $config['upload_mode'];
$this->lang $lang;


but still having the thumb auto resize problem problem??

Mods & Plugins (Releases & Support) / Re: [MOD] Contact Form
« on: December 18, 2010, 10:27:20 AM »
i dont understand german language..i tried to figure out from posts but most of them were in german language i guess..

please tell me what is wrong..and what settings i have to do to make this mod working for me.?

Code: [Select]
un unexpected error occured. Please try again later.

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/haider/public_html/directory/includes/db_mysql.php on line 116

the row in the details.php
Code: [Select]
<div class="caption"><h3 style="color:#FFFFFF">{if admin_links}{admin_links}{endif admin_links}</h3><p>{image_name}{if image_is_new}<span class="new">{lang_new}</span>{endif image_is_new}</p></div>

search in your style.css:
Code: [Select]
.caption p {

Thanks for the reply..
but see i already have tried..and its not actually taking about admin buttons like edit etc. and edit buttons are on right i highlighted in thumbnail.

but and admin one's are in <h3> html tags?

and you can see that i already have tried it to make it white..but not working??

and also in caption you can see its already #FFFFFFF

Code: [Select]
.caption {
background: url('') repeat-x bottom;
height: 26px;
font-size: 11px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #FFFFFF;
margin: 0;
.caption p {
background: url('caption.left.gif') no-repeat left;
padding: 6px 0 0 10px;
height: 20px;
color: #FFFFFF;
margin: 0;

.caption a {
color: #303030; text-decoration: none;

.caption a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;

.caption h3 {
background: url('caption.right.gif') no-repeat right;
float: right;
margin: 0px;
font-size: 10px;
height: 20px;
padding: 6px 6px 0 0;
                color: #FFFFFF;

now what to do?? HOW TO MAKE IT WHITE?


BUT ON RIGHT SIDE ITS BLACK..THE ADMIN (Edit and Delete ) are black...

how to make that two edit and delete link color white..??

is there any mod out here to give much pretty interface to user info section of left side of comments like make it like in tables form etc..
see the screencap that i mean to say better arranged..

if is there not any mod out..then in which file i will need to do the editings for this section?


check this mod for what to do, its exactly what you want:

You can change to code to your needs.

Greetz X23

yup..i guess i have to little bit changes to modify it up to my needs..may b it will took me some time fix it cuz im not expert right..but its good to have it..

Many Thanks..

Hello every one.. hw r u..
 i am looking for someone who can help me creating one more field in registration form also editing in user profile section.

I am making this site for my university..that all students in unversity can upload and download lectures presentations and have access to assigments, books, pdf's it is purely for my university..
so i want one more section in registration form. that when a student of our university registers they should enter their. University id..

it is 4 digits numeric id/admission no...

also i want it to show every user id to his own profile..i mean when some one visits the other person profile.their his id also shows in that profile..

I know i have to make some changes in database and also in php file too.
but in detail. How to do this..

Any one?


i think you did't do step 4  :wink:


Thanks.. for letting me know..yes i fixed it now..and you can see in the thumbnail now..i did the step 4..

but still that restriction problem isn't still having that problem..and image resize is enabled..

please reply how to fix this problem..please please..looking forward to your replies.....

Best Regards


i think it has something to do with this coding but i am not sure now..

Code: [Select]
function check_image_size() {
    $this->image_size = @getimagesize($this->upload_file);
    $ok = 1;

    if ($this->auto_image[$this->image_type]) {
      return 1; //auto image is on, don't need check for anything else.

    if ($this->image_size[0] > $this->max_width[$this->image_type]) {
      $ok = 0;

    if ($this->image_size[1] > $this->max_height[$this->image_type]) {
      $ok = 0;
    return $ok;

 im stucked in coding.. all i know to remove coding so it should not check size and width lolz..but still dont know will it gonna work or not..

any how.. please reply... im stucked up in these codings..


wow i just figured out one more thing..your mod is doing great regarding to resizing images..
i mean when regular users upload images bigger then the sized defined in admin then it resize them..

but its the thumbnail which is giving error to regular users regarding to size and height..

and the step 2.2 ...i guess its for image resizing not for thumbnail resizing..
i think you should make some more changes in your coding for thumbnails too so users dont get problem when they upload thumbnails bigger then the size defined in admin section..

rest you mod is doing great..and its awesome mod..

as you have inserted auto thumbnail resize feature i guess you forgot to add the code for thumbnail that it should not give error when trying to upload bigger image then defined and it should auto resize it..

Please loook in to this matter and im still looking forward to help...


and did you enable auto resize in the config?

i dont know may be its enabled..please tell me where in ACP to enable it..

this is settings screenshot in ACP...

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