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Topics - keithb22

Pages: [1]
I was wondering how to edit the comments in the box "Download URL" when you edit a picture and add a new picture. I need to change the instructions from the current text:

"If you fill out this field, the download button will point to the URL you entered, otherwise it will point directly to the image file."

I need to change it to instruct the person uploading to the customized URL that will serve as the root directory for all of the images. Is this in a PHP file in admin, the main directory, or includes? Is it a HTML file in 'Templates'? I have looked everywhere for the text, but can't seem to find it. PLEASE HELP!!! Thank you.

Installation, Update & Configuration / Can't update keywords
« on: April 11, 2003, 05:17:13 PM »
I am a beginner when it comes to PHP, so I can't look through the code & figure out where the problem is.  I can upload pictures fine through auto-detecting them from a folder I throw them into.  However, when I go to edit the picture to just add Keywords and descriptions, I'll hit update and the pop-up box "File Upload in Progress..." stays open and never closes.  It also never updates the database with the comments I've added.  Do I have to set permissions on a folder somewhere?  Is there a way to turn the pop-up box feature off and maybe just return it to the previous page?  If there are multiple solutions, please tell me the easiest.  Thanks in advance.

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