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Topics - V12kid

Pages: [1]
I am trying to resize pics in a specific category, any ideas on how to? I click on the Resize tool but it brings up images I dont want to resize.

any info is appreciated


I am wondering if there is a new or better way to remove the Right Click. I did a search and did not find the exact match for the lines to be removed so I am wondering if there is an updated method to removing this feature?



Discussion & Troubleshooting / Thumbnail Error
« on: December 08, 2005, 10:30:48 PM »
I installed 4Images and it installed fine and I even uploaded some pics. When I try to create thumbnails I get this error:

Create thumbnail for: 100 2326 (100_2326.JPG) .... 
Warning: system() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/v12kid/public_html/wedding/includes/image_utils.php on line 100

   Error creating thumbnail!

My ISP of course said they cannot help me so I am here asking for some info please


Chit Chat / want to make $$$? I need 4images integrated with...
« on: April 18, 2003, 09:24:32 PM »
I am looking to find someone who can itegrate 4images with invision or phpbb. I am willing to pay a small fee to have this done. We can even work out a deal if you have a banner you want me to display or whatever.  Let me know if you are interested asap.


matt  8)

I am planning on using 4 images for a Lamborghini oriented site but if I have to upload each of the 500 pics I have 1 at a time I will be here doing that until next year! I was wondering if there is a solution around so we can upload multiple images at the same time.

thanks in advance


Discussion & Troubleshooting / Templates dont work
« on: April 15, 2003, 08:58:00 AM »
I uploaded some templates and they show up in the template menu but when I try to apply them nothing happens, is there anything I am missing?

I have setup the software and it opens fine, now ehre is the next problem I am having.

I created some categories and tried to upload and get this error:

Warning: move_uploaded_file(./../data/media/4/01.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /home/diablo/public_html/4images/includes/upload.php on line 114

Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpIm2qPR' to './../data/media/4/01.jpg' in /home/diablo/public_html/4images/includes/upload.php on line 114
Image 1  
  Error uploading image file: 01.jpg
01.jpg: Copy error. Please check the directory permissions.

No database entry!

After this I also am having problems with the templates. I uploaded some and followed the simple directions in the readme but nothing seems to work. I can see the template in the menu but when I click to load it and then save nothing happens?

I have been playing with permissions for a while and cant seem to fix my problems, anyone can help me figure this out?

maybe you can log in as admin and take a look via ftp at my permissions?



I installed it correctly and updated the config file etc but now how do I go into the admin area and see the site? I point in my broweser like this and get a 404

I also tried

Installation, Update & Configuration / When installing I get a 404
« on: April 11, 2003, 07:52:23 PM »
I just uploaded the 4images folder via ftp and when I point my browser to the I get a 404 error.

Im sorry but the install instructions are very poor and are not complete. This might be becuase of the languauge diffucluties in the translation but what am I missing?

The instruction say this:
"Decompress the .zip archive to a local directory on your system and FTP all
     the files it contains (being sure to retain the directory structure) to your host.
     Once all the files have been uploaded to your site you should point your browser
     at this location."

Where do I point it? it is not clear to wat file so I assumed it is install.php

Maybe someone can help me clarify this?



Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / What type of page is this?
« on: April 05, 2003, 08:32:34 PM »
I got a good answer on my question for 4images as a postnuke module now I have another question..

Here is a automotive community that I want to recreate. I was gonna use postnuke but saw this and this seems like a better solution since my new web host has invision, phpbb abd 4images already installed..

My question is what type of page is that? PHP webpage? I want something similar to that layout but for Lamborghini's

Chit Chat / Hi, I have one complaint
« on: April 05, 2003, 10:29:43 AM »
most the webpage and forum is not in english. I dont understand anything :(

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / 4images and Post Nuke?
« on: April 05, 2003, 10:27:39 AM »
I am dying to figure out how to make it compatible with postnuke as a module. I would love to erplaced egallery and My gallery. Both are substandard in my opinion. I am almost willing to pay someone to convert it for me.

Anyone know if its been done? I have seen 1 conversion for php nuke but not post nuke.


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