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Topics - PaulC2K

Pages: [1]

Firstly, i've searched for a solution to this problem, and found nothing of any use, so thats why im posting this.

I've installed the gallery, and modified the style to suit the site itself, the problem is that the Auto-thumbnail and Resizer doesn't see any of the files.

It definatly doesnt do the auto-thumb itself through admin or registered user, and its not doing it manually either.

The page appears which is different to some complaints, so thats not the problem.
I tell it to check for 10 missing thumbnails, it comes back with:
"No entries found."

This is the same message i receive in 2 identical galleries, (on the same host, but different servers)

I've set only jpg as the accepted files, i've done this for testing purposes not for its intended use.

So whats going on?? I had it working about 2 months ago when i first installed it, but i've come back to use it now, and after all the work, this one problem is stopping it from opening properly :(

Any Ideas?


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