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Topics - rodier

Pages: [1]
Hi all

Can anyone tell me, how to use different template on some page in 4images gallery?

My problem is:
I want put this output  copy to  new_screens2.php and

a) strip it to plain  picture table output  so I can embed in another project  where it will show ONLY table with pictures..


b) set so that new_screens2.php will use ANOTHER template installed on system ?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / too many connections..
« on: December 01, 2008, 05:21:54 AM »
Hi all
Im running 1.76  almost 8 month without any problems, we have low traffic - few people every day..but now we started have problem with too many connections mysql error.
I contacted my friend - hosting provider and he tell me, its because our account have 20 mysql connections  and our 4images gallery have problem with closing it.  It simply open all 20 and never close it.
I read trough forum and found 1.70 was problem with mysql connections..but as I said, we are using 1.76 + we start have that problem now..  no few month before.  weird isnt?
My friend told me to use mysql_close(); at end of  pages that use sql, but it seems thats not usable in every case..  (I know there is some time out.. I dont know why timeout dont close it..)

thanks for any help

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / automatic keywords
« on: April 24, 2008, 05:04:01 AM »
hi all :)

because search engine in 4images gallery isnt smart as google,  I think about automatic keywords.
If someone upload screenshot to some category without any keyword, it will automatically  name of category as keyword
I think it can be done via some sql, but Im still not good in php+sql, so anyone think about that?

Simply if I upload picture to category named "my house"  first keyword added to screenshot will be "my house". 

I think this idea is good, because if someone search for my house ..  it not find anything   because
- search dont use category names  (ok)
- search dont use partial image names (ok) [and everyone know, pictures have names like myhouse001..etc]

thanks for your time :)

btw I tried run script
update 4images_images set images_keywords = "something" where image_name  like  "%something%"   to add keyword to some screenshot.

Now I see record in table, I see it on web too..  but search dont see it.  dont understand why

HI all
when im trying to upload some videos (avi/mpg/swf...)  I get message
Error uploading image file
invalid file type ...

Can anyone help me?  I read lots of topics here..   but I have everything else working OK ..directories is 777 and its automaticaly created..  everything around pictures work.
But movies not.
I tried some youtube mod ..that work with simply .html files uploading contains embed code - nothing.

Everything seems ok - I have filetype in right directory, its approved in administration panel..but still..  no luck :(   + I tried upload via ftp to category directory = nothing appear on web..  nothing in check images.. validate images.. etc

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Searching with partial matches?
« on: April 22, 2008, 05:14:07 PM »
Hi all
It is possible to make searching  work  with partial matches too by default?

I know if I try search for  term*  it will  search partially matches too..  but  it is possible to make it  by default? so Visitors dont need put asterisk inside?


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