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Topics - HarryH

Pages: [1]
I have an issue with adding new images to previously created categories.
Since I have more then 3000 pictures in my gallery, I thought that something in the database was corrupted and I´ve decided to build a new gallery from the scatch.
But the problem is still occuring.

1. I create a new category
2. I upload the images via FTP to the coresponding directory
3. I open the "Control Panel Home" // section "Images" -> Check new images
4. Select the new created category, enter a value for the " Images displayed:" field and click on "check new images"
5. I get a list with the files I have just uploaded and I click on the "add" button at the buttom of the list

Now I get a message asking me to log in again and the message "You are either no administrator or not logged in."

My first thought was that database is corrupted, but seems to be ok as long I can create new categories // users ...



Pages: [1]