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Topics - anrob

Pages: [1]
Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Template by Group???
« on: February 10, 2003, 04:56:35 PM »
Is it possible to have a template that only pulls images from a permission group.

i.e. I have 2500 photos from different parties and i want to setup groups fro each one ( Jason's Wedding, Phil's Barmitavah)

Is it possible to use the same database for all images and make different templates that will only pull from (either a certain catagory or group).

Thanks Anrob

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Addtional Cat Fields
« on: December 12, 2002, 12:33:16 AM »
I have looked and cant find the answer for this one.

How can i add more fields to the categories in the admin.

I have been able to find everything but that.

It doesnt seem to be as easy as adding fields to the user section.

any ideas?
Also has anyone found out how to add more then 1 random image to the front page.  I have tried everything i can find here and all i have is 3 of the same random images.



Installation, Update & Configuration / Language File Help
« on: December 05, 2002, 12:23:27 AM »
I have been trying all day to make this work and have no hair left now.

I added a new field to the user profile that will include user sex
i.e Male or Female.

I have been able to get everything to work except for the language file.
Let Me explain what i did.

I now have a dropdown box under user proflie that says Gender:
that should have to options in them Male and Female.

I can see the space for the words but no words.
When i make the changes to the from male to female it changes in the database and i can see it in the admin panel.

I added a line to the lang file main.php

Code: [Select]
$lang['male'] = "Male";

But that does nothing

I also add code to the db_field_definitions.php

Code: [Select]
$additional_user_fields['user_sex'] = array($lang['user_sex'], "select", 1);

and that gives me the output for the word Gender:

from the same lang file
Code: [Select]
$lang['user_sex'] = "Gender:";

If i use one of the $lang definitions that came with the software (i.e. 'user_name')

It will say Username: in my dropdown box.

But if i change it back to the one i made ('male') i get nothing.

Any Ideas?



Pages: [1]