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Topics - franco190453

Pages: [1]
Español / Castellano / Envio de Post cards
« on: August 02, 2006, 09:51:48 AM »
He pasado de 4images 1.7.2 a 1.7.3
Cuando envio correo desde admin hacia un usuario cualquiera, el correo es enviado correctamente.
Cuando trato de enviar una postcard me sale el error siguiente:

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 501 syntax: Recipient cannot contain a space (<admin <>) in C:\Apache\Apache2\htdocs\fotoseng\includes\email.php on line 171

Tengo a Windows como mi systema operativo y manejo un servidor de correo llamado SurgeMail de
En los settings de 4images tengo SMTP server = NO; he probado con= SI y obtengo el mismo error.
NO es un error de autenticacion, ni de conexion sino de Syntax o escritura de codigo relacionado directamente con postcards.

Agradecere la ayuda prestada.


Español / Castellano / Codigo de Verificacion
« on: August 02, 2006, 09:44:38 AM »
Tengo el siguiente problema, cuando se registra un nuevo usuario, he escrito el codigo de verificacion 35 veces con 4 diferentes tipos de usuarios y la registracion no pasa. El error es siempre el mismo y se refiere al codigo de verificacion. Simplemente no esta trabajando.
Alguna idea para componer eso o deshabilitar todo lo relacionado a codigo de verificacion.
Pase de 4images 1.7.2 a 1.7.3; antes todo estaba bien.
Tengo systema operativo Windows.
P.S. Agradecería si me pudieran decir como deshabilitarlo ya que seria mas facil.

Installation, Update & Configuration / Sending e-cards
« on: August 02, 2006, 09:18:55 AM »
When sending e-cards i get the following error.
Note: The program is sending mail from admin to users OK.
P.S. My Operating System is Windows XP sp2 and my mail server SurgeMail by

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 501 syntax: Recipient cannot contain a space (<admin <>) in C:\Apache\Apache2\htdocs\photoseng\includes\email.php on line 171

I just installed the new 4images.
I can not register because the verification code fails all the time.
I need to know how to make it work or disable it.
Regards. 8O

Installation, Update & Configuration / e-cards
« on: July 20, 2006, 01:36:33 AM »
How can I completely disable the e-cards.

Installation, Update & Configuration / E-Mails with SMTP server
« on: July 18, 2006, 09:13:08 PM »
I installed successfully the gallery.
I have on my system Moodle, PhpBB2, Joomla, Os-Commerce, Zen-Cart  and Another Gallery.
I have a Mail Server (SurgeMail).
I have Windows XP SP2 Prof.
Programs above have had problems with sending and receiving e-mails; I found a solution for everyone of them via Forums.
With 4Images I had two problems:
1.- the traditional session_start; my solution was to write right above session_start at session.php
     session_save_path('STORE_SESSIONS', 'c:/tmp'); and I created tmp with read and write permission.
2.- when I register with a valid e-mail: Registration goes through the gallery but can not send e-mail.
     when I go to the smtp Logs: can see that a connection is stablished but it is finally rejected with a 501 error code.
     Same thing happens when I try to send an e-mail from the gallery to a user.
3.- My SMTP server has usernames and passwords for all clients.
    At the settings, I did the same thing I have always done for all other programs mentioned above.
Any Ideas.
Will strongly appreciate for a solution.
As a user I have to say that I would be willing to become a businness user and buy a license if and only if this
situation gets solved.
Regards to all.
P.S. I thing 4Images is an excellent gallery!!!.

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