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Topics - askwar

Pages: [1]

I'm looking for a MOD which enables navigation and searching on the image gallery with so-called "Tagclouds", like they are known from sites like or That is, I'd like to see a list of all (or the most used) tags ("keywords") and would like to be able to click on such a tag. After that's done, only those pictures are to be shown, which have this tag. If there are "related" tags, they should be shown as well and it should be possible to add these tags to the search.

Eg. have a look at the following two screenshots:

On the first screenshot, I selected the tag "fun" on On the 2nd, I show what's shown after I clicked on the "+" to the left of "internet" on the 1st screenshot. I'm then searching for "internet" AND "fun". Those tags are related, as there are bookmarks (entries), which feature both tags.

The good thing about this is, that the user doesn't have to know how the keywords are named. For example, suppose that there is a picture of a Coca Cola bottle - is it tagged with "Coke" or "Coca Cola"? He doesn't have to know this, as the system would only show "Coke" (or "Coca Cola").

I know that 4images currently supports searching for keywords, but this requires that a user knows what keywords exist on the site (ie. "Coke" vs. "Coca Cola").

A navigation relying on tags would also render folders obsolete, as tags can be seen as a sort of "virtual folder". Eg. suppose you've got a number of pictures showing cats. Currently, ie. with folders, you'd create a folder and name it "Cats". You'd then store all the pictures showing cats in this folder. With tags, you'd tag the pictures with the "Cat" tag and the user would then select the "Cat" tag and see all the pictures with Cats on them - ie. he'd get the same he'd get, when all the pictures were in a Cat (or Cats?) folder.

Does anyone know of such a MOD for 4images? If not, does anyone maybe know of a image gallery software (for Linux servers), which supports this? Or of a hosting service, which features this? only seems to support searching for *ONE* tag, so it's not QUITE what I'm looking for,

Thanks a lot,


I'd like to be able to have THREE images for each image on my website. One should be the tiny thumbnail, one should be the one that's currently shown on the details.php page and the new one should be a "full size" image. Thich should be shown when a visitor clicks on the image on the details.php page.

Is there such a MOD available?

Thanks a lot,
Alexander Skwar


I found the "[Mod] Search Engine Friendly URLs aka Short URLs" in the "Mods & Plugins (Publishing & Support)" forum.

Does anybody know of a 4images Mod which does NOT require the use of mod_rewrite? In principle this should be possible, if the URLs would look somewhat like

This should be translated to

Same for categories.php etc.pp..

Does anybody know of such a mod?

Thanks a lot,

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