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Topics - bobb

Pages: [1]
Hey, check out gallery. I'd love to have something like that! A sidebar, a header ... I don't know how to get a template like that though. Or did the person code the gallery herself?

CAn anybody please please pelase help me? I currently have a default template, called 4grey2.

Please help!  :cry:

Templates & Styles (Requests & Discussions) / 4 images header layout
« on: January 20, 2006, 03:30:15 PM »
I wonder how you added that header/top banner? I tried to edit in my templates > details.html files but
it won't work.
please, please help? I just wnna change the layout of my gallery, I wanna have asidebar and a header. how do I go it? PLEASE?  :cry:

Pages: [1]