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Topics - Takeo

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Recently I've installed on my server 4images and I might say that I was pretty amesed with the quality of it. But I've noticed the following problem:

Since I'm working with great dimension images, after uploading them when I open them the website distorces. :/
Isn't there a way, for exemple, of making every images with the width superior to 425px stay at 425px on the "display"?
Atention, I want to mantain the real width. Just want that the display stays 425px or under.

Please help me out! :(
Thanks for everything! :)

Installation, Update & Configuration / Thumbnails and Images
« on: August 08, 2005, 01:44:44 AM »
Hi there!

First of all congrats for the exelent 4images. It's pretty simple and nice.

I'll try to explain my problem, since it's a little confusing.
The first thing is the thumbnails: How can I make the thumbnails? I don't know how to use or install thoose 3 "programs" that you recommend (GD, ImageMagick and NetPBM). I've also noticed that you have this option on the control panel: "Auto-Thumbnailer". It actually works but to make thumbs we have to go there after uploading, etc, etc.

The other issue: I'm working with images of great dimensions (1600x1024 for ex.) And I'm also using your default theme.
The problem is when we click on the thumbnail it opens the full sized image. And a full sized image with 1600 of resolutions it goes over the table of the site. Isn't there a way of making the image to fit the table and only the download having the full sized image?

Hope I could make understand me. Sorry for my poor english. If no one understands, ask me again and I'll try to explain in another way.


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