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Topics - dipunm

Pages: [1]
DISCONTINUED.. probably still has bugs too, mite work if u dont expect too much from it
EDITED: (because it was all over the place  :oops:)
UPDATED 02/09/05
Okay, I heard that no one has created the upload via zip file mod... so, i decided to make one  :wink:


allow users to upload a zip file containing unlimited no of pictures (one category at a time) and the pictures will be extracted, zip file deleted, and the pictures will be added into the database... also, images can be resized, thumbnailed and so on (set using the checkand go settings in admin control panel) during this process.

Install Summary:

Install multiuploadform mod:
Install checkandgo mod:
Download: and put pclzip.lib.php into the includes folder
From the zip file:
replace member_multiuploadform.html in the template folder
put upload2.php into the includes folder
put the admin_global.php and checkandgo.php files into the gallery's install folder (where index.php would be)
edit the member.php file.

THANKS TO: rroc and deejay_... If it weren't for your mods, i wouldnt be able to do this.

Editing member.php (should be done last)
the member.php file needs to edited so that the multiuploadform can give the sid info...
Code: [Select]
if($action == "multiuploadform" || $action=="multiuploadimage")
  $content = $site_template->parse_template("member_multiuploadform");

and replace with:
Code: [Select]
if($action == "multiuploadform" || $action=="multiuploadimage")
  $content = '<script language="Javascript"> var sid="'.$sid.'" </script> '.$site_template->parse_template("member_multiuploadform");

Known (unsolved) bugs:

    [li]Error for users WITHOUT direct upload permission for the category in question. (1ST PRIORITY)[/li]

    [li]Files with the same filename as an existant image in its category will NOT be uploaded and has to be uploaded individually (working on it)[/li]
    [li]all pages other than the upload form does not use template theme at all.[/li]

    I think thats all, if anyone has any problems or bugs or has a suggestion to make it look better, please be my guest and reply to this post.

    Pages: [1]