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Topics - acidpr

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Espaņol / Castellano / Que significa esto =\
« on: October 09, 2002, 07:14:46 AM »
DB Error: Bad SQL Query: SELECT DISTINCT i.image_id, i.cat_id, i.user_id, i.image_name, i.image_description, i.image_keywords, i.image_date, i.image_active, i.image_media_file, i.image_thumb_file, i.image_download_url, i.image_allow_comments, i.image_comments, i.image_downloads, i.image_votes, i.image_rating, i.image_hits, c.cat_name, u.user_name FROM images i, categories c LEFT JOIN users u ON (u.user_id = i.user_id) WHERE i.image_active = 1 AND i.cat_id NOT IN (0) AND c.cat_id = i.cat_id ORDER BY RAND()
You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'RAND()' at line 5

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