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Topics - Deepu Sudhakar

Pages: [1]
Feedback & Suggestions / continued development?
« on: December 16, 2002, 08:44:12 PM »
im just curious as to whether or not development has started on the next version of 4images. i havent seen any news about i assume no. correct me if im wrong.

i do have some feature requests for future versions though...
1) modified skinning engine. the current engine parses html templates for each page. the problem is that a lot of elements are redundant and have to be redone for each page. perhaps it is better to chop up the most used parts, and put that in its own template. a wrapper could be used to define the layout of each part. invision board makes good use of this concept.

2) a page dedicated to the last added comments. this page owuld go along with the 'top images' and 'new images'. its like 'new comments'.

3) the current template set is really awkward. for beginners it is hard to customize. the main problem with it is the fixed widths. this should really be percentage widths that can adapt to any resolution.

anyhoo...thats all i can think of at the moment.

Discussion & Troubleshooting / activated or inactivated pictures
« on: November 04, 2002, 11:47:35 PM »
is there a way in the control panel, to sort images by whether or not they are activated? in my gallery, there are some pictures that i have inactivated because i dont want them to be viewed publicly for time being. at a later time, i would like to activate all of them, but the problem arise when finding the inacitve pictures. can a sort of activation status be added under "edit images"

Discussion & Troubleshooting / resynching comment count
« on: November 01, 2002, 01:58:48 AM »
i wrote my own script that converted my old phpgraphy gallery to 4images. Everything transfered properly. the only problem i have is the comment count for each image. it seems as if the comment field in the images table, generates the comment count each time a comment is post (instead of dynamically counting the comment table). is there anyway to recount the comments for each images using some script?

Discussion & Troubleshooting / spaces in filenames
« on: October 26, 2002, 12:25:05 AM »
i was trying create some thumbnails using netPBm when i found that it doesnt seem to create thumbs for images with spaces in the filenames. is there any way around this?

i installed 4images and it looks great. i have hit a snag with thumbnails tho. i have set my thumbnail generator to NetPBM. The correct path is given because i can access the autothumbnailer screen. the problem comes when i try to create thumbnails. its say the operation was successful, but when i check the gallery, the thumbnails are showing red xs (image cant be displayed). i checked the directory in which the thumbnails are created, and the file sizes are reported as 0 in my ftp client. anybody know what going wrong here?

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