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Topics - zaisk

Pages: 1 [2]

I need some changes to my gallery. I need instead the new images, show some images chosen by me.

Is there any way to make that?

Thank you for the help.

Mods & Plugins (Requests & Discussions) / Media files
« on: November 21, 2005, 07:17:42 AM »
Is it possible to make html files upload ?

I want, that when people press on thumbnail he gots not the full size image, but the html file uploaded for this thumbnail. Is it possible to make this?


What I have to change that between thumbnail and flash file will apear html page with advertisement for 5-7 seconds ???

Please help me with that.

Thank you.


Please help me. I need loader, which will appear before every file on my gallery (before gif,jpg,swf,mpeg else...) For exmaple when people press on thumbnaile, before opening the file the script shows 5seconds the loader where could be advertise or else.

If is it possible that the loader could be html file, that would be the greatest thing.

Could anyone help me.

I have seen the loader on this forum, but just for jpg files. Could the same loader be corrected for my interests.?

Deep Thanks From Me,


Templates & Styles (Requests & Discussions) / Loader before every file
« on: November 18, 2005, 08:16:36 PM »

Please help me. I need loader, which will appear before every file on my gallery (before gif,jpg,swf,mpeg else...) For exmaple when people press on thumbnaile, before opening the file the script shows 5seconds the loader where could be advertise or else.

If is it possible that the loader could be html file, that would be the greatest thing.

Could anyone help me.

I have seen the loader on this forum, but just for jpg files. Could the same loader be corrected for my interests.?

Deep Thanks From Me,

Discussion & Troubleshooting / Please help. Some problems accured.
« on: November 18, 2005, 12:50:34 AM »
I have installed 4images v1.7 script about half a year ago. I was not looking after my site about last two month, now I updated my site with more flash games and else stuff and after that noticed that some categories are not working. For example I try to go into category id 2 and everything I get is blank white page, also the same happens with some other categories, but some works perfect.

Where the problem could be? Why I get instead of games listed in that category, white blank page ??? Can the problem be MySql or PHP files? I changed some of template files, can it be a problem?

Very thank you for the help I need...


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